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  1. Continues to blow my mind the wild stuff you're able to do with this game. You're a legend.
  2. That looks insane! Really looking forward to seeing that in-game.
  3. Yeah pretty much. Through the Eyes is an awesome mod and I appreciate the work that went into it, but my only issues with it really are just the incredibly janky controls (no mouse look to turn, everything about the EVA controls) and the occasional camera jank it introduces (notably if a kerbal falls over, when they stand back up you can see the back of the helmet. I think this is just because the helmet isn't hidden along with the head, which I appreciate). I'm curious if there's just a way to implement full mouse look (no mouse look when mouse is active, right click to toggle into mouse look mode, where your kerbal will face the direction the mouse is pointed; necessary for EVA movement. Same way it works in freeIVA) into Through the Eyes, which would largely solve my issues with that mod right away. I think I'd still prefer how cleanly integrated and polished FreeIVA feels, but Through the Eyes is a superb mod on its own so I'd be cool with that as a solution as well.
  4. @Stone BlueNot quite what I'm after. I'm talking more like enabling pure first person play, the exact same as FreeIVA, but in EVA, allowing for a fully seamless and easily understandable/controllable first person experience at all times, likely supplemented by Parts Commander to make EVA actions possible from a first person perspective. That being said, that mod is exceptionally cool and something I'll be using in my load order from now on for when I'm not playing in IVA, so thank you for that
  5. Apologies if it was asked already and I simply missed it, but I was curious if this mod could be easily translated to EVA, as an alternative to Through the Eyes of a Kerbal? That mod is superb, don't get me wrong, but I find myself wanting something that has more traditional and easily understandable controls in EVA, with less camera jankiness, and your mod achieves this perfectly but is limited to IVA only. I'd imagine there may be some difficulties in doing things like simulating RCS fuel for the Kerbals while in EVA, but I can't think of any other major issues off the top of my head. I'm not good with coding or anything like that, but if it's easily doable and you're not interested in doing it, would you mind if I took a crack at it, maybe as a complimentary mod to this one? "FreeEVA"?
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