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Everything posted by Koprolith

  1. Hi, is there a maximum amount of background science collection and transmission? Reason: I have some probes around Kerbin, Mun and Minmus with RPWSs and magnetometers (DMagic Orbital Science). I know, those are not stock parts and therefore not "supported". BUT: when I create a new science career and launch two vessels with magnetometers they seem to run as expected. Further details: In my current career (only 19 vessels): When the probe/ship is not active, e.g. looking at space center scene, the science stops to be collected (in the Kerbalism overview tab). When I switch back to the vessel, the science starts to be collected again. In my test science career (2 vessels): the two vessels can collect science simultaneously (visible through the Kerbalism tab), while viewing a diffrent scene. Im running the latest KSP with all expansions. I tried the official Kerbalism release aswell as the GitHub beta build. Perhaps there´s something broken on my end...
  2. I reverted to the .10 version and it works as intended unless I add Kerbalism 3.0 into the mix. So perhaps there is an issue with the way Kerbalism 3.0 modifies how science works...
  3. Hi, can anyone confirm that the animation of the goo container does´t work. It starts off being extended out of the wedge and can´t be retracted. Im playing on KSP 1.7.2 and USII (beta from OneDrive). If needed, I can provide more info.
  4. Hmm. As far as I can tell, this mod "only" lets you manage your power, but not your controls... Koprolith
  5. Hi, I have a question. Is it possible to implement something like a "command/action battery"? What i mean by "command/action battery" is, that the commands you do (extend panels, throttle control, etc.) need "command/action points". These are stored in the "command/action battery" (like a HDD). When command your probe/vessel you use up your "command/action points" (like the SAS draining your normal battery). If you run out of points, your probe becomes inaktive (like having no signal or no electricity). You can "recharge" your "command/action battery" with a connection to your control center. It would work like solar panels recharging the battery, but with the signal delay we have in the current system. The "recharging" would be cut as soon as you lose the signal (range or moon/planet shadow). I hope you get where im heading to. I dont want to make RT into easy mode. Right now we have two opitons: signal delay on or off. My suggestion is somewhere in the middle. Since I like signal delay, because it gives me a sense of how far I´m away from kerbin, but once you got like 30 sec delay and more, things like multi probe ships are a bit sluggish. Automating things like landing, ascending, activation of engines or action groups with kOS, smartparts, and landertron are fun, but once you´ve set them up, its basicly hitting the "go" button and sit back. Thats the point where it gets a bit boring for me. KOS, smartparts and the flight computer aren´t made useless. You could make them not use the "action points" and keep the "command battery" "charged" for unpredicted corrections/fine adjustments. SAS would be seen as one command. SAS control don´t drain your "battery". PRO: - easy to get used to - keep signal delay without having command delay - limited control without signal - "player needs to do the job" - less "AI/computer fail" CON: - use of kOS, smartparts and fight computer are reduced Example: 1. I have signal connection. The signal delay is 10 seconds. My "battery" is full. I control my probe. The "battery" drains. After 10 seconds my "battery" recharges with x "points" per second (Note: For balance: More drain than recharge.). I stop commanding. "Battery" charges up. "Battery" is fully charged. I command the probe. Recharging starts 10 seconds later. And so on... 2. I have signal connection. The signal delay is 10 seconds. My "battery" is full. I control my probe. The "battery" drains. After 10 seconds my "battery" recharges with x "points" per second. I lose connection. Immidate recharge halt. I recieve signal. Recharge starts after 10 seconds. 3. The signal delay is 10 seconds. The connection window would be 9 seconds. Result: You dont get any recharge. I hope you get my idea (and like it). In case this has been already suggested and rejected, I apolagize. I wouldn´t want to play KSP without RT. Thats why I hope this idea will get implemented. It could be a game mode (like signal delay on/off) so people who don´t like it, don´t need to play it. Best regards Koprolith
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