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Everything posted by lingfors

  1. As a dev, this is absolutely false. A good QA departement, that provided good bug reports that quickly let's us fokus on fixing the bug, is invaluable. A crappy QA departement, that provided too little information, or sometimes flat out wrong information, is really frustrating though.
  2. I just realized that the fact that planetary parts are locked until you have returned a vessel from that planet back to Kerbin is also an issue... Maybe it makes sense when you're planning to build a base on Duna, but not so much when you plan to build one on Blalo...
  3. I'm not sure what other people think, but I think I would prefer the kerbals to eat as much lower-tier as possible before starting to eat higher-tier. I have been thinking about interstellar colonization using this mod, and I think this behavior will hit me quite hard. The reason is that I think the best way would be to bring a bunch of Tier-4 food on the ship, while at the same time producing Tier-4 food from hydroponics. Here we obviously want to prioritize the locally produced food. Then, when setting up a base in the new system, you will start at Tier-0. So you need to supply the base with Tier-4 from the ship. However, you could run the base on a skeleton crew while researching up to Tier-4, and send surplus Tier-0/1/2/3 snacks up to the mothership. The mothership would then be able to reduce the amount of Tier-4 fertilizer used by the Tier-4 hydroponics. So I guess a better strategy would be to prefer lower tier over higher tier, and only within each tier prefer locally produced snacks over stored snacks.
  4. Uhm, just to be clear - All software has bugs. KSP and its mods is software. Ergo, KSP will have bugs (with or without mods installed) As an example, here's some I've noticed from my own game: 1) SoundtrackEditor sometimes stopped progressing the playlist. 2) Progressive Colonization System modules missing. 3) Progressive Colonization System colony research progress incorrectly reported. 3) Planetary Base Systems FreeIVA (sometimes) not working correctly after modules connected using base docking ports. 4) Some models (or textures?) are upside down. 5) Sound missing for some modules. 6) Some Kopernicus updates just didn't let me log into the game. I'm sure there are more I can't remember right now... But as you can see, there are some really annoying things there, but nothing truly game breaking. Except the Kopernicus one, but someone quickly wrote a bug report, and a working update was released within a couple of hours.
  5. As someone working in SW dev, I would say STOP WORRYING ABOUT ANYTHING WRITTEN IN THE LOG FILE! Just play the game. And if you encounter something that seems like a bug, file a bug report on the most likely mod causing the issue, include the log file and let the mod author worry about what's in the log. The reason I'm saying this is that we often put a lot of info into the log file, just so that we ourselves can follow what our software is "thinking". Sometimes we write things out as errors or warnings, even though we are perfectly fine in handling the situation (like "WARNING: Found incompatible mod X, switching to compatability mode"). In short, everyone will be much happier if people just care about the game behaving as they expect it to, and create good bug reports when they encounter something in the game that seems like a bug.
  6. Heh. Let me know if how it works for you.
  7. Yeah, looks like the dll was deleted in the last commit in the latest release. If you're feeling brave, here is the dll as it looked in the commit just before it was deleted: https://github.com/linuxgurugamer/SoundtrackEditorForked/raw/39653335f242432c3bceaa44819ff499ccd4c688/GameData/SoundtrackEditorForked/Plugins/SoundtrackEditorForked.dll Just download it and drop it into GameData\SoundtrackEditorForked\Plugins. It was updated in that same commit (the one just before it was deleted from the repo), so I am assuming it is the updated one. Edit: Yup, seems to work.
  8. Also noticed that Admin Facility wasn't properly supported by this mod, so fixed it here: https://github.com/linuxgurugamer/SoundtrackEditorForked/pull/4 Let me know if you've found any other bugs, maybe I can have a look at them as well. So far I know about a few very minor issues, nothing big enough for me to fix them just for myself (stop button behavior is weird, it should behave almost identical to the pause button except song starts from the beginning when play button is pressed (IMHO), and pressing play and then pause when the game is paused should not allow the music to play again when the game is unpaused (IMHO)).
  9. Okay, I figured it out. If someone doesn't want to wait for a new release and wants to build it themselves, the pull request is here: https://github.com/linuxgurugamer/SoundtrackEditorForked/pull/3
  10. Thanks. I have the changes done and committed to my fork of SoundtrackEditorForked. Just need to push it to GitHub and create a pull request. Sadly, it seems GitHub has made their service so secure that I can't even figure out how to allow myself to push my changes to my own fork.
  11. For what it's worth, I think I have found what is causing the music to stop after one song: When pausing the game, the event OnPause() is triggered, setting SoundtrackEditor.CurrentSituation.paused to True. If the pause screen is then used to change scene to the Space Center or Tracking Station, the game is unpaused but the event OnGameUnpaused() is not triggered, meaning that SoundtrackEditor.CurrentSituation.paused is not set to False. The scene load in itself causes a new playlist to be selected and started, but since SoundtrackEditor.CurrentSituation.paused is still true, the playlist will not be progressed to the next song once the first song is finished. @linuxgurugamer I am testing a fix for this and will create a pull request for it if my fix seems to work correctly. Edit: Small correction, is was the variable SoundtrackEditor.PlaybackPaused not being set to false when switching scene from the pause menu that prevented the playlist to progress to the next song. But good news, the fix (calling OnGameUnpause on scene switch) seems to work regardless. Edit 2: It seems some scenes, like Astronaut Complex and R&D, also calls onGamePause() when they are switched to (probably because the game is paused in the background), meaning that the music will still be paused after playing one song in these scenes. I don't think that's intended? I will try to fix that one as well.
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