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Everything posted by Maze905

  1. Hi there! I've noticed that the batteries only seem to drain. I tested it with a control station + 2 solar panels + 1 deployable battery (different sorts of batteries, available in the mod). Anyone else experienced this? Thank you for any help you can provide! Player Log - https://1drv.ms/u/s!AjnHAAbEGFHLjvxR9cwb3B9aAiki5Q?e=TBtRg1
  2. Oh, I figured the same menu would appear when saving, my bad. Regarding Deployable Batteries, do you have any idea why the batteries don't charge in a deployable station with 1 control station, 2 solar panels and 1 battery? Thanks again
  3. Many thanks for your replies, Krazy1 and linuxgurugamer. I am indeed using BSLG version, the latest one, both on CKAN and on the post above. CKAN doesn't have any pending mod updates. Edit: Just noticed that the mod is working, but only when I press F9. If I press F5 only the stock quicksave menu appears, and if I press Esc and save/load, only the stock menu appears. I'm not sure I understood the part about Deployable Batteries. The experiments do work without the batteries, when I set them up. Are you saying that they don't lose power even if they are in the shade (in case of solar panels), and continue to produce science? Thank you again
  4. Hey linuxgurugamer. First of all, many thanks for all your work. I'm having trouble with this mod, and with Deployable Batteries as well. In BLSG, the mod is installed through CKAN (and dependencies too), but nothing happens in-game. Nothing appears in the settings either. In Deployable Batteries, everything seems to work, but the batteries only drain, they don't charge. I tested it on Kerbin and Mun, with a basic station (station+goo reserch station+2 solar panels+batteries), and I tried 3 different batteries, all with the same result (both in Career Mode and Creative). I'd appreciate any help you can provide. Thank you so much! Below is the player.log, in a OneDrive link, Player.log
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