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Everything posted by crenero

  1. would really like to find a fix for this. when i started playing with these mods i didnt have this issue. but when reloading my save suddenly kerbin is this really ugly colour. when i reloaded the save again it was even more saturated like in the image. https://imgur.com/DveGGGv eve redux eve stock configs 1.2.2-1 harmony 2 kopernicus 1.12.1-193 modular flight integrator module manager 4.2.3 parallax 2.0.6 parallax stock planet textures 2.0.0 parallax stock scatter textures 2.0.1 scatterer 0.0838 scatterer default config 0.0838 scatterer sunflare 0.0838 hyperedit 1.5.8
  2. i want to edit kerbin's terrain colour using a module manager patch but it doesn't produce any result, here is the cfg file i'm using @Kopernicus:FOR[Kerbin] { Body { name = Kerbin identifier = Squad/Kerbin Orbit { referenceBody = Squad/Sun } Template { name = Kerbin removeProgressTree = false } Properties { ScienceValues { } } ScaledVersion { type = AtmosphericStandard fadeStart = 10000 fadeEnd = 60000 sphericalModel = False deferMesh = False invisible = False Material { color = 4,4,4,1 specColor = 0.0745098069,0.0666666701,0.0509803966,1 shininess = 0.688 texture = BUILTIN/KerbinScaledSpace300 mainTexScale = 1,1 mainTexOffset = 0,0 normals = BUILTIN/KerbinScaledSpace301 bumpMapScale = 1,1 bumpMapOffset = 0,0 opacity = 1 rimPower = 3.54 rimBlend = 0.81 rimColorRamp = BUILTIN/AerialRampKerbin2 rimColorRampScale = 1,1 rimColorRampOffset = 0,0 localLightDirection = -0.349999994,0,0.150000006,0 resourceMapScale = 1,1 resourceMapOffset = 0,0 } } } }
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