Hi Stone Blue, can I ask you a favor could you pass me the cfg. file from https://github.com/StoneBlue/AvionicsSystems/blob/New-Vulkan-M2X-APEx-Angler-Props/GameData/MOARdV/MAS_ASET/ALCORMFD40x20/MAS_APEx_MFD40x20_kOS.cfg. I would like to try it, but the link is broken.
Thank you very much for your attention.
my e-mail skytux@outlook.es in case you want to send it to me instead of posting it.
I have a problem, I can't use the RPM buttons, to choose the options. However, when I do it through the KOS monitor and with the keyboard everything works. but I would like to work with RPM because I am with VR.