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  1. Reported Version: v0.1.2 (latest) | Mods: none | Can replicate without mods? Yes OS: Windows 10 Pro 64-Bit-Version (10.0, Build 19045) | CPU: AMD Ryzen 7 PRO 1700X Eight-Core Processor | GPU: NVIDIA GeForce GX 1060 6GB | RAM: 15.95 GB Severity: med Frequency: high Description: Some parts make a craft move in the water when there is no actual force that is supposed to exist, I am going to call it "Kraken Wave" from now on. The direction of Kraken Wave depends on the part, orientation in the VAB, and rotation in the VAB. The easiest example to recreate this is by dropping a TR-3 "Bulldog" rover capsule into the water. The direction of this Kraken Wave moves the capsule forward if it was oriented forwards. If the capsule is oriented up in the VAB, it starts spinning around and the spin direction can be changed using the built-in reaction wheel. Rotating the capsule in the VAB also changes the way the Kraken Wave acts, mainly the center of rotation which gets revealed by the camera movement. The parts where I could confirm Kraken Wave to happen are command pods except for probe cores, rover wheels, landing gear (nothing or very little on landing legs), and parts that are narrower on one side than another which might give a clue to the cause of the bug. The strength of Kraken Wave depends on the size of the part from what I have seen. Side notes: I do know that my GPU and RAM are below the hardware requirements, so I am curious to find out if this bug also happens on hardware which is above the requirements. Included Attachments:
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