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Everything posted by ImNotJebediah

  1. Sorry for the late response but, https://spacedock.ru//2234-mod-mk3-fuselage-expansion-pack-v12.html Keep in mind, this is VERY old
  2. i found one of the last (working) downloads for it.
  3. I like to preserve mods too, i use older ksp and i love this mod
  4. image.png?ex=6656517a&is=6654fffa&hm=2653f2de09bb9dd63f7cbd97ebcc9c70255c5349219d46b1a987063c4e0d1077&
    First docking, Done with mechjeb.

  5. I know about that mod, I don't want it, + i have 0.23 and i want mods to use with it.
  6. "9 years later..." Someone found the mk3 expansion on a russian KSP forum? The mod works fine if you are in 0.20 - 0.25, i have 0.23.
  7. Post anything touhou torpedo related, As of now i am running 0.23.5, Any download links for touhou torpedo's mods will be appreciated
  8. Im mainly looking for torpedo's old mk3 mods.
  9. Anyone got a archive of old mods? [0.20 - 0.24.2]
  10. im gonna do the whole depot thing, send me the manifest id.
  11. Nevermind, Someone on discord had a old russian link for a semi-working one
  12. https://web.archive.org/web/20140219204916/http://kerbalspaceport.com/mk3-fuselage-expansion-pack/ Can someone please find a download link, Because the archive dot org one doesn't work.
  13. So around a few months ago, I was modding ksp to look old, But I made a HUGE mistake.... i deleted the original files for the normal ksp. i played ksp to test it. and when i attached the parts it disappeared and you couldn't click anything . i tried deleting then verifying the files, reinstalling the game, ect.
  14. A mod that adds the old mk3 parts, Pretty self explanatory Downloads: https://legacy.curseforge.com/kerbal/ksp-mods/old-mk3-parts-alpha
  15. I just want the atmosphere, old mk3 cockpit along with the old mk3 parts from 0.25
  16. I Wanna to go back into that version but I can't seem to find it on the steam beta thing Mainly for nostalgic reasons
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