Despite the doom and gloom about KSP2, I bought it today - made a little rocket to orbit Kerbin with, re-entered.........and thats when the fun began. I can't really add anything else to the above reports suffice to say it happened to me. Just before I plummeted into the ground though, the capsule did a nice little twirling animation which was interesting. I thought at least I could manage a re-entry but it seems the latest patch broke that as well as the other things mentioned above.
I feel so deflated and let down by this having logged up 1000 hours on KSP1, that I cannot even do a simple launch-orbit-land on Kerbin.
I am going back to KSP and getting a refund from Steam - thankfully I've only played 66 minutes!
Perhaps this game will be worth playing next time a sale is on.