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Everything posted by Clóvis

  1. @RocketRockington Your guess is as good as mine, but I'm not sure if this is necessarily the case. Making a game is a complex endeavor and the team might have to prioritize other systems instead of wobble. I say this because of the released info we have of the development. The develop team have a more advanced build in wich there are already advanced systems like colonization and probably science, interstellar stuff and things we don't know about. Second, the wobble might be a complex programming problem they are not sure is a priority to them or the community, besides an strong vocal minority. We also don't really know how much marketing and corporate stuff have a say in this systems and if they believe wobble is considered an strong brand characteristic for the game. If my guess is correct, they might be waiting to understand if wobble is really something they want to change to improve the game or the marketability of the game, or if there is another priority that might bring a more successful. Also, wobble, although very annoying for a share of the community, isn't really game breaking. The recently patched SoI trajectory bug was way worse than wobble. I think the develop team are really exploring a way to solve this matter, but I'm sure there are more pressing things to be looked at. So, don't loose hope yet.
  2. @dr.phees I stand for what i said before: But as a complement I will add that wobble as a feature could also be used like: you messed up your ship and it should already have exploded, but, I will let it wobble a bit before i destroy it because I'm a tolerant game to player's messy stuff...
  3. I don't know if thats is possible to be implemented as is, but seems like a good start for the devs to think in a less anachronistic more reasonable way to solve the wobbly problem at hand. I hope the devs get to see this and take at least an inspirations about what to do.
  4. Wobbly rockets are not fun and should be removed. That said, if wobbliness is to become a feature it needs to be reliable and controllable, and not an wild stupid random thing that is only there for annoying reasons and to impede you to make the rockets you want. I mean, if wobble is feedback for a too long rocket, or a poorly designed aerodynamics, or you forgot to configure the stage and one of the four planned thrusters didn't ignite, or if you misaligned something something, if its used as feedback for something useful that is bad if you do with an rocket and its possible to understand and avoid it from happening because there is a physical based gameplay plan for it to be happening the way it happens I think is acceptable to have it in the game, and even could be a fun opportunity for game youtubers to generate content. But the way it works now its just frustrating and time consuming, making planning a rocket not as fun as it could be.
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