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  1. Reported Version: v0.1.3.2 (latest) | Mods: none | Can replicate without mods? Yes OS: Windows 11 | CPU: I5 9600kf | GPU: Rtx 2070 super | RAM: 32go ddr4 Hi, It's seems to be just a visual bug. I was entry in duna low atmosphere with small red and normal orange radial chutes opened and deccelerating my ship. I saved my game during this and after reloading the save (multiples times), chutes became invisible but still working. Here the bug : chutes were looking closed and not deployed at all but they were considered by the simulation as opened and they deccelerated my ship. In stage management, they were all greens. Tdlr; After loading a save where chutes were opened, fully fonctionnal and breaking working but invisible and in a closed visual state Sadly ive no pics
  2. Also having this issue, It's happens when i reload a game or if i come close to a combined docked ship with a new part to couple to it. I saw that i can undock prior to be able to redock again when having this. Also found myself to be unable to dock at all with those new docking ports..
  3. Im also facing this. It looks like that decoupled ship reference object to orbit around goes from kerbin (or maybe something else) to decoupled main ship. Then if i do timewarp, then it happens. A quickfix is that if i go to KSC and go back to main ship to descent to kerbin, i can timewarp with no problems at all
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