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  1. as for the mod list Textures unlimited Airplane Plus AoA Tech Aviation Cockpits Aviators arsenal B9 Aerospace B9 Procedural Wings B9 Part switch BDArmory Better Time Warp Biscuitfish Miniguns C.E.D.A Technologies Camera Tools Coldwar Aerospace Editor Extensions Redux EVE Eskandare Heavy Industries FAR Firespitter Hyper Edit Interstellar Fuel Switch JSI KAS Kerbal Foundries Mechjeb 2 Mk2 Expansion Mk3 Hypersonic Systems Modular Flight Intergrator NKDR NMB P.E.W Parallax Stock Textures PRE Quantum Struts Continued Quiz Tech Aero Restock Rigid Legs Scatterer Skyer's Part Pack SMI Missiles Smokescreen SXT VesselMover
  2. when i clip a part into an intake the area of that part that is inside of the intake becomes invisible, and when i clip an intake into the side of the fuselage the fuselage is invisible where the intake is, i build planes a lot so its made my planes look very weird
  3. https://imgur.com/l6HRseY I installed the game onto a new pc and this has started happening, i tried moving all of my visual mods out to no avail. its stock parts so i doubt its a different mod.
  4. https://imgur.com/a/qIwJ4hP for newer parts I'm able to recolor the entire part but parts on older crafts I am only able to recolor the main part and leading edge, any fix?
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