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Kerbal Koin

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  1. I know it does seem like something that the devs would say but when interstellar gets added, precise nodes will have to be a stock option especially when they add ksp2 it to consoles where mods are impossible or near impossible to install. but I very much agree with the sound improvements over ksp1 being amazing. The reason I don't want to install mods yet is because first of all the devs are trying to make the stock experience as good as possible but also the game has patches relatively frequently so reinstalling mods several times will be a pain and many mods can't keep up.
  2. I definitely think that they should let us choose where the UI elements are, makes the game way more player friendly and it seems like a thing that ksp2 would improve.
  3. I think they said something about adding this in the "For Science!" update preview!
  4. Honestly this looks amazing and I would love to see this implemented and if it is bad for performance then they can just put it as an option in the graphical settings!
  5. Intro/Problems with the current system If you think about KSP, one of the main parts of the game is creating maneuver nodes and the current system in ksp2 is not just lacking in precision but also sometimes parts of the maneuver node maker is hidden behind a celestial body. Why we need precision? One of the reasons we need precision is when interstellar travel gets added we are going to have to be very precise in making maneuver nodes. A solution A way that could fix both problems is add in a system similar to the KSP 1 mod precise node or bring back the graphical node editor. Problems with the old editor and solutions There are some problems with the graphical node editor. 1. First is that nobody uses it and there is a reason for that, it’s not accessible enough because from what I remember you had to have your node selected and then switch to a separate tab which is very tedious and could be fixed by having the graphical editor on the UI by default or adding a button for the editor that is accessible. 2. The second problem with the old graphical editor is not being able to switch between nodes easily because if you have nodes close together they become very hard to select and zooming in becomes impossible due to the camera having to be locked onto a celestial body which can also hide some vectors of the regular editor behind the celestial body. This could be fixed by adding an arrows and/or a drop-down menu that shows your maneuver nodes and/or adding hot keys, ect. to switch between nodes. 3. The last issue I had with the old graphical editor was not being able to switch to the “next orbit” (A feature that allows you to see what you maneuver would look like if executed a certain amount of orbits in the future and let’s you execute them in that way) in the graphical editor but having to try to right click on on the node to get the option to appear. This could be easily fixed by adding the next orbit button and the previous orbit button in the graphical node editor. Summary To sum it up, the current maneuver node system is neither precise enough nor visible enough and it must be precise to do interstellar burns in the near future. A solution is to add a precise node like system or add back the old graphical editor with some improvements. Thanks for reading this long feature request and please add this, Devs.
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