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Philip Soerensen

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  1. I also believe that a good wiki is central to the KSP(2) experience so it should really be a priority to get an official wiki established. I'm not sure that using the Fandom wiki as a stopgap solution is a good idea. If we ever wanted to port material from there to an official wiki then I think we are legally required to add a link back to the corresponding Fandom page. This seems mighty annoying. They state the conditions under which we can take material off the Fandom page here: https://www.fandom.com/licensing I am very interested in this, but I'm afraid work and life might not give me much time to contribute. I'll contribute what I can if an official site goes up
  2. It's great to see progress on the performance front! I'm playing on a 13" laptop from 2017 with a dual core CPU and integrated graphics, on linux, and with this update I'm now getting viable framerates. Glad to see that it can be made to work even this far below minimum spec. Keep up the good work!
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