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  1. I don't know how and I did mark the topic as SPOLIERS!
  2. My Theory for the Petrified kraken and the Laythe Skeleton. So back in the early Universe they were two massive species of space leviathan that would fly around the kerbolar system like the Purrgil for Star Wars. The Kraken would later develop intelligence while the Laythe Skeleton would become a Apex Predator. However over the course of the Universe it got colder as it expanded making life for the Kraken and the Laythe Skeleton harder so as their territories drew closer together the Laythe Skeleton began to hunt the Kraken and the Kraken began to evolve to be even more smart and smaller. The traits of becoming smaller led the Kraken to evolving into the Kerbals and the Kraken People and the Laythe Skeleton would later die out because of a changing environment and a lack of a large prey animal. So what we see in KSP 2 is the remains of two interplanetary species from an area very long before kerbalkind.
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