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  1. nvm i fixed it ima leave this up for others. It was spectra that caused it, I downloaded avp 8k instead and it got rid of it also cuz im dumb had to reinstall scatter so that could of also did something
  2. https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/bqgm029nqz0kuur78uchu/Kerbal-Space-Program-2024.11.05- this is what is happening idk what it is but the atmosphere is like a transparent white and its really annoying. You can start too see it real good at about 90k these are the mods I have installed off ckan https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/wtopwuqw5c220nh3nzyx5/Desktop-2024.11.05-
  3. I’m confused my trajectories folder is just named trajectories and there’s not one folder in it that has numbers next to it this is what it says in order localizations, plug-in data, plug-ins change log contributing copyright license read me trajectories trajectories that last two are a cfg file and last one a version file
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