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  1. Looks amazing so far! Just as a heads up if anyone is seeing blank grey textures. The folder restructure breaks the TURD OPT pack, so you'll either have to update all of the paths in the config, or just remove the configs for now.
  2. @dOnut14Yeah, there's an opm config file in the Extras folder in the main download. Copy that over to your Game data, and you should be good to go. I'm running with with parallax, and it seems to be working just fine.
  3. @bungling Yeah, I felt the same way about them too. They looked amazing, but felt like they were way too close, balance wise, to the regular engines. At least in stock anyways. I ended up boosting them up, slotting them in between LFO, and nukes. For hydrogen, I kept thrust the same, but increased the isp. And for methane, I increased the thrust a touch and increased the isp. This also balanced it very nicely with the cryogenic extensions mod as well. Not quite realistic, but it makes for a nicer progression of engines in my view.
  4. Great work! Looks amazing, can't wait to get a look at the new clouds!
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