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Everything posted by ABEEGTREE

  1. I already posted something like this and I REALLY need help with this: Are there any mods that help to improve performance? I run KSP on a bad laptop, no visual mods, but I don't want to have to resort to setting the graphics to the absolute minimum to fly complex craft. Please reply if you see this
  2. I'm running KSP on a pretty bad laptop, but I'm stuck with it until I get a better PC. Large crafts make the game practically unplayable, so I must use Mechjeb ascent guidance for anything with 150+ parts. Are there any mods like Minecraft's Optifine to improve performance?
  3. I tried to find a mod, but I couldn't lol. I've solved the problem anyway
  4. Thank you so much, I wanted to do a save with a realistic tech tree, I was originally going to do career mode, but then I remembered I suck at career mode, so I'm doing something like KSP2's exploration mode.
  5. I couldn't find another forum like this, so if there is one, send me to it. I need a way to get a specific amount of science without closing and opening the game. The Alt-F12 menu gives too much at once, and for save file editing (correct me if I'm wrong) you have to close the game and open it back up, a problem because I have a trashy old laptop, so the game takes ages to load. Maybe some kind of mod to do this, just not the Alt-F12 menu's +10/-10 or save file editing. Any ideas? Edit: The problem is solved
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