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Everything posted by Asaman

  1. Kerbonauts are so eager to strap themselves to rockets and fly off the planet because Chuck Norris is visiting.
  2. Open the chem lab I study in, grab some benzine, sulfuric and nitric acid, create some TNT, and try to take out as many zombies with me as possible using it.
  3. Yeah, I like diving in Ocean.
  4. nope, because right now it\'s not a 'physical' body, but gravity well...thing
  5. Right now i am flying towards 230+ billion meters mark (for another challenge), and so far no blue lines. I suppose it is much further than that.
  6. Uh, I can\'t seem to find the 'kerbylon launch thingy' anywhere, and my rocket keeps getting jammed in the original launch pad >.< Anyways, right now I just tried to see how far I could go, without actually caring about the size of final stage. So yeah I got bored after I reached ~230 billion meters away from the sun. Ze ship. You can hardly see the sun from here ADDED: whoa, my ship was in space for 3.5 years before I got bored. Not bad. This orbit is ridicilous. I spent 4-5 hours running KSP in background at highest time warp, and it did not even get to apogee
  7. Hmm, I might give it a shot to create something very ridiculous to out-ridiculous your creation
  8. Touché ADDED: I tried the above philosophy, and, needless to say, I managed to actually land AND survive the landing! ...even though I still managed to run out of fuel at the last second, which caused me to land at a little bit too high speed, causing engine and fuel tanks to explode. P.S. this is the first time Kerbonauts survived the landing on Mun...ever.
  9. One tank in center, and 3 around it. The three lasted all the way to outer layers of atmosphere.
  10. Alright, so. I was able to reach orbit and...um...well....let\'s say I landed Kerbal style. I overshot the Mun several times, but with enough kick to completely mess up my orbit. So by the time I was actually landing on Mun I did not have enough fuel to slow down, and it ran out while I was falling Q_Q And apparently my ship looks very similar to the one Alchemist used. Le ship. Le orbit Le landing Le credits
  11. 1. Capsule + parachute 2. Liquid fuel + engine (orbit) 3. Liquid fuel + engine frame (other stages) 4. MUST HAVE MORE BOOSTERS 5. Does it fly? How does it fly? Add wings, S.A.S.and struts depending on performance. 6. Does it reach orbit? No? MUST HAVE MORE BOOSTERS 7. Does it have enough fuel to get to Mun and/or orbit and back on the planet? No? Alter step 2, then redo steps 5-7 until perfection.
  13. Maybe.... What if.... Uh.... Perhaps.... Um.... Rocket goes up, altitude goes down, you can't explain that.
  14. I was not even using the strongest one lol
  15. I was using E-800 from EXCELSIOR rockets mod lol, as mentioned in credits
  16. So there I was, looking at all these fancy rockets going into orbit. Of course I tried to do the same, but since I was new at KSP, I could not control the rocket well enough to switch from vertical to horizontal speed. And that's when I got an idea. What if we did not use a rocket to go into orbit...but more of a plane? What if I could strap enough fuel on my plane to easily get needed horizontal speed while having fairly low vertical speed. What if I could fly at an angle so that I could penetrate atmosphere without having to recalibrate (Garrus Face) my trajectory? Thus I present you, Triumph 2! With this rocket / plane hybrid I could easily gain a good horizontal speed and keep the right angle. As I was gaining speed, I realized I had two options: I could either keep flying inside atmosphere, because I had more than enough fuel and speed to make round trip like a plane OR I could go higher into atmosphere and attempt to get into orbit like all these other pros! Mods used: Wobby Rockets http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/forum/index.php?topic=79.0 EXCELSIOR CLASS rockets http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/forum/index.php?topic=160.0 Long Wings http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/forum/index.php?topic=416.0
  17. Alright, this baby is way too fat...uh....heavy for liftoff. I got off ground only on stage 4. So yeah, way too much stuff xD It completely blew up in sky on stage 2 ADDED: Attached screenies of lift off and ....uh....explosion ADDED x2: Holy Crap man, you made Jeb scared out of his mind
  18. Holy Crap. I really want a link of this monstrosity so that I can test it out
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