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  1. The main problem I am having with the ui is the font used is hard to read in certain situations, especially when trying to differentiate between an 8 and a 0 on the time warp and maneuver countdown interface. I have posted about this in separate thread, in which I was pointed toward this one. Thought I might link to it in hopes of it making it to the right hands.
  2. This is in reference to the fonts used to display the in-game time and warp, although I have had similar problems with the delta V read out and such, I write this in refence to the time read out specifically due to the fact that that has had the greatest impact on my method of play. Positive feedback first, I do love the fount, I feal like under normal situations it would be a lot of fun, how ever, I find it hard to read. It comes down to the dots . in the center of the 0's, I find it often hard on my monitor with my particular setup (granted I do not have the best) to determine whether I have (an extreme example to be honest, an exaggeration ) whether I have 888,888,88,18,88 or 0,000,00,10,00 . Granted at that scale it is easy to tell at others not so much. There have been similar problems in other menus, but Time warp and mauver countdowns have been the most prominate for me. If there were a way to adjust font settings in the menu I would be grateful, it would help me and those blinder then me, granted I paint my craft in School Bus yellow.
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