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  1. Did a complete reinstall and adjusted the settings. When I put the Extra Joint Level slider at its maximum, it stopped all the wobble, even in the lates version. I can't remember if I ever went into KJR-Ns settings before, but I guess I must have back in the day when I first installed it. And the update then probably reset my settings. Anyway, it's working now, thanks!
  2. Very weird issue that I'm having: I get all my mods through CKAN. I've been running KSP 1.12.4 basically since forever for mod compatibility reasons. Last week, I realized that some of my mods had updates available (hadn't checked in a very long time). So I updated about a dozen mods. I don't really remember if KJR-N was among them, but seeing as the last update before 4.2.27 was only at the end of September, I guess it must have been. When I launched a big rocket for the first time since my "great mod update", it started to wobble horribly, as if I didn't have KJR-N at all. I checked, CKAN says it's still enabled. Then I saw the new update to 4.2.27 had just arrived and did another update. However, the problem remains. CKAN says it's activated but it doesn't do anything to fix my rockets anymore. No, I'm not using any vanilla auto-strut settings. Is there anything I can do to check whether the game actually recognizes the mod? Maybe it's a conflict with some other mod I use? Maybe the latest versions of KJR-N are not really working with KSP 1.12.4? EDIT: I just tried downgrading KJR-N through some earlier versions and the wobble stopped when I downgraded to 4.1.19. So I guess something in the 4.2.23 update prevents it from being compatible, either with KSP 1.12.4 or with one of my other mods. Ah well, I'll just use that version then.
  3. Can confirm this. Also, I tested it again with Flight Plan installed and realized that not being able to create nodes manually was my fault: Apparently I only can't do that when the game is paused. If it is unpaused, it works, even with FP installed. My bad! Enjoy your vacation schlosrat!
  4. Lucky you, for some reason, I can't even create any nodes manually with flight plan installed. Or I'm doing something wrong (just joined KSP 2 after the 0.2.0 update and never used it before). I'm only on the starting missions now, so I can do without flight plan for a while and create my nodes manually with it uninstalled for now. But as I've become sort of a Mechjeb addict in KSP1, I will definitely need flight plan for the more advanced stuff that comes later. Well, it's a nice challenge for now, I'll try to do Mun and Minmus landings without it, let's see how far I can take it! xD I guess an update might take a while though, schlosrat hasn't been online for two weeks now. Hope he's well!
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