Fresh in my mind, as in it just made me quit in frustration, is that the maneuver node is still unusable:
Why can you not plan a maneuver while paused? I end up fighting the maneuver node controls and then miss my burn.
The pinning of periapsis and apoapsis is unreliable, they seem to randomly unpin. Also please show the values by default, don't make me open them up and pin them one by one. Or at least make it so that pinning one pins the other.
Let us see and modify what the number values for the maneuver are. As others have said it's very difficult to notice or revert an accidental change.
Moving the maneuver node is still difficult to do without accidentally dragging one of the directional modifiers. Perhaps have a "move" icon outside of the node that you can click to drag it so that it's not an awkward space in the centre which ends up overlapped.
I second that the pixellated style is just awful on 1440p. Icons are unrecognisable, text is unreadable, even the "Launch" button, which you would want to be iconic in a way, instead of having a neat array of dots has a - | - | - | - pattern due to the way they are stretched and interpolated, in terms of presentation it's very bad, and I don't know anyone who doesn't use 1440p+ these days, even on laptops. In the short term (I don't know if it's practical, and sorry for making a suggestion) but could the UI rendered at the same scale it would be rendered at in 1080p as a debug option? I know it'll look tiny, I can live with that, but at least it would be sharp?
Please, please ditch the pixel font and use proper aliasable monospace fonts which can scale up and down correctly.