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Everything posted by Anachronda

  1. Looks like one of the engines on the first stage blew up. The flight computer extended the burn to deal with the missing thrust. Video at the link: http://www.parabolicarc.com/2012/10/07/falcon-9-suffers-engine-anomoly/
  2. Did Kelbus walk back to Jeb's rocket so he would have a place to stash his Munar soil samples, or is he just keeping them in his pockets?
  3. Bobin, Harton, and Lotop like Ike. They were trying for Jool, but had a Duna encounter along the way and decided Jeb might like some company. While decelerating for Duna capture, they had an Ike encounter and decided to check it out. Wound up in a nice polar orbit around Ike.
  4. And Bill makes it to Eve, using the same type of ship Jeb used to get to Duna. Sadly, he badly eyeballed the angle between Kerbin and Eve when he set out and wound up chasing Eve around its orbit for a few hundred days. He also used up most of his fuel.
  5. Jeb makes it to Duna. Since he didn't *expect* to make it, he didn't bring a lander. He has a 'chute, though, so I guess he could give it a go...
  6. The one time I tried, Jeb was devoured by the Kraken o' spin. EDIT: Oh wait; that was Minmus.
  7. Test flight of a craft that was more successful than I expected. Might have made it to orbit had I not decided to go land on the icecap.
  8. Good luck. It's been a while since I've attempted a rendezvous (not yet succeeded), but I've found it's not terribly difficult to get a fairly close match to another elliptical orbit. I have succeeded in getting close enough that a more coordinated person than I could finish the job with RCS. The big problem is that the game doesn't display the apiopsis and periopsis markers for the orbit you're trying to match, so you have to kind of eyeball it. You can kind of roll the orbit around by burning perpendicular to the path of the orbit while traveling along the sides. There's no marker for that position, so you'll have to fiddle with it to get a feel for it. Say about the point on the right side of your picture where the orbits diverge. Another approach I've had success with is inflating the smaller orbit into the larger one. Doing a prograde burn about halfway through where the orbits are close will inflate the smaller orbit along about the direction of the larger orbit's major axis.
  9. Like an image gallery is going to stop us *cough* photoshop *cough*.
  10. Yeah, well, here's my 18 Kerbal Mun lander. I've had it in orbit and brought it back on chutes, but haven't yet managed to build a booster that can get it to the Mun.
  11. At last, a successful Mun landing from a rocket built with the large parts. It included a crew tank to allow it to pick up crew from an earlier, not entirely successful, flight. Shortly after the marooned crew was rescued, Bobton Kerman noticed that the "rescue" craft had no parachute, whereupon Jeb informed him of the contents of the sealed orders. While posing for the picture, Jeb noticed some debris off in the distance and decided to go check it out. It turned out to be a surviving crew tank from an earlier failed mission (i.e., completely unsuccessful). Since Jeb had used up most of his jetpack getting to the debris, he decided to check out the crew tank and top off his jet pack. Unfortunately, it exploded as soon as Jeb touched it. This stunned Jeb; in order to regain control, I had to go to the tracking station and back out to Jeb.
  12. I've had a bit of luck with chutes on top of stuff by attaching three chutes to an upside down tricoupler, then running struts between the tricoupler and the capsule. Ugly as sin, but it works. When you run the struts, you have to go from the capsule to the tricoupler; for some reason, you can't start the struts on the tricoupler.
  13. I just know I'm going to fire up the game one day only to discover that the top booster stage of my Munar lander has spontaneously and safely landed on Minmus.
  14. Or, to quote Douglas Adams, the trick to flying is to throw yourself at the ground and miss.
  15. As close as I've come to a successful Mun landing with the new parts.
  16. The persistence file begins with an array of crew members. The first is number zero and so on through the list. In the description of the capsule, you'll see some "crew = <number>" lines. These seem to be a reference to the entries in the array of crew members at the top of the file. So if, say, Jeb is the first crew member in the CREW array *and* he is still alive *and* there is space in a capsule that has other crew members (so that you can find the proper position for the "crew = <number>" statement), you should be able to add him to the crew by adding a "crew = 0" line to the description of the capsule. Disclaimer: I haven't tried it.
  17. You talking about this one? http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/forum/showthread.php/12020-Greatly-speed-up-KSP-for-everyone-with-weak-computers!
  18. Don't know about those specific models, but NASA does have a bunch of freely-available 3D models. http://www.nasa.gov/multimedia/3d_resources/models.html
  19. I once saw some video of a Soyuz docking with Mir. The Soyuz thrusters looked kind of like squirting a hose.
  20. I like how the Kerbal researchers look like they\'re running some sort of hot dog stand.
  21. They will think of brave Jeb, making a large step for Kerbalkind by bringing them to the stars. Eventually. Of course, we\'ll have to update the Wikipedia page for Panspermia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Panspermia It\'ll need to go something like 'Panspermia (Greek: ?????????? from ???/??? (pas/pan) 'all' and ?????? (sperma) 'seed') is the hypothesis that life exists throughout the Universe, distributed by meteoroids, asteroids and planetoids, and lost Kerbals.'
  22. Incidentally, if you\'re on an EVA and end the flight, you end the EVA without returning to the capsule: you wind up with an empty seat. Might be a way to make a rescue ship.
  23. 'Dear Jeb: Having a wonderful time. Wish you were here. Joested Kerman'
  24. Well, I\'m going to have to argue with parts a bit tomorrow. For now, here\'s Bill standing in front of the capsule a short distance from the space center in glorious 3D:
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