There's a comment in code of aim-120 explain the radarTimeout . You may find this in "GameData/BDArmory/Parts/aim-120/amraam.cfg"
radarTimeout = 5 //timelimit without a detected target before Active Radar guidance fails and LOAL could not lock a target (default is 5).
As for the G limit, I have the same question, and I've got some clue. In"BDArmory/BDArmory/Weapons/Missiles/MissileLaunchParams.cs":
if ((Vector3.Dot(vectorToTarget, missileFwd) < 0.965f) || ((!surfaceLaunch) && (missile.GetWeaponClass() != WeaponClasses.SLW) && (ml.guidanceActive))) // Only evaluate missile turning ability if the target is outside ~15 deg cone, or isn't a torpedo and has guidance
// Rough range estimate of max missile G in a turn after launch, the following code is quite janky but works decently well in practice
float maxEstimatedGForce = Mathf.Max(bodyGravity * ml.maxTorque, 15f); // Rough estimate of max G based on missile torque, use minimum of 15G to prevent some VLS parts from not working
if ( && inAtmo) // If missile has aerodynamics, modify G force by AoA limit
maxEstimatedGForce *= Mathf.Sin(ml.maxAoA * Mathf.Deg2Rad);
Since I am not a programmer at all, so it's all my stupid understanding to the code below:
It seems that missiles have a estimated G force that up to maxTorque, and minimum ESTIMATED G force of 15G, which will multiply by a factor(0 to 1) of Sin(maxAoA). The part I am not sure about is bodyGravity, which defined as
float bodyGravity = (float)PhysicsGlobals.GravitationalAcceleration * (float)missile.vessel.orbit.referenceBody.GeeASL; // Set gravity for calculations;
In this case bodyGravity shall be 9.81m/s2(is it?), and the G force of missile, for example the Aim-120, would be 9.81*60≈540G...which might not be a reliable number for me. 60G seems more realistic for me.