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  1. I mentioned Linux in my first, second, and third posts and excerpted the important aspects of Player.log. Trying to copy the .log file into the forums spiked my RAM, so I gave you the important bits. explicitly mentioned along with the kernel modules I loaded. Reverting to fixed it, as mentioned by The-Grim-Sleeper. are using the incorrect file name for SDL2. Everything in is working as intended. I haven't encountered any issues with that version, so far.
  2. So, I decided to switch to Arch from PopOS!, because Linux Hardware suggested improved compatibility with my FCS. After installing SDL2, installing a fresh copy of the game, installing CKAN, installing Express Rp-1 & the FBW mod, and launching the game, I saw no change: I tried tinkering with the UI scaling to see if that would do anything, but no help. The window is pinned to that location and I cannot manipulate it in any way. After looking through KSP.log, I found that still: DllNotFoundException: libSDL2-2.14 The SDL version that was installed automatically by pacman was sdl2-2.28.5-1, so I found: sudo pacman -U https://archive.archlinux.org/repos/2020/12/22/extra/os/x86_64/sdl2-2.0.14-1-x86_64.pkg.tar.zst which is hopefully the correct version. After trying to test again, I got the same result as the above image, so no change. It is supposedly the correct version, but I guess the name of it is what's causing issues. Looking for libSDL2-2.so, I found libSDL2-2.0.so.0, as a link to libSDL2-2.0.so.0.2800.5. They already existed in ~/.steam/bin32/steam-runtime/usr/lib. I'm guessing I can just copy the files over somewhere? Or where do I go from here? While looking for where to potentially copy the files, I found additional copies in /lib/libSDL2-2.0.so, as a link to libSDL2-2.0.so.0.14.0. I found a CMAKE file, if that helps, somehow. I decided to make a copy of the file libSDL2-2.0.so and rename the copy as libSDL 2-2.so to fully conform with the guide. After testing, I still get the same result; a pinned window and an error saying DLLNotFound. My guess is there's either a pathing issue somewhere or it's still the incorrect version.
  3. I'm not understanding what I'm supposed to install. I followed the three different guides available, I went through the forums and found out that I'm supposed to have DLL files moved somewhere, yet they aren't already anywhere to move from. I found AdvancedFlyByWire.dll and XInputDotNetPure.dll, but no SDL2 or XInputInterface. I don't see anywhere in the guides even mentioning needing to manually install anything else other than the two listed dependency mods. I found joystick, input-utils, and jstest which are supposed to have one or both of those somewhere, but how do I make them available to use for the program?
  4. Is the mod deprecated? Am only getting a window, with no options. Can't even move the window. Shift+L also does nothing except change my stage light from flashing green to purple. Linux RSS RO RP-1 (express, no flair) All listed dependencies installed, unless there's something new that I missed. [EXC 04:54:09.795] DllNotFoundException: libSDL2-2.14 KSPAdvancedFlyByWire.SDLController.InitializeSDL () (at <97996bf3d2eb4703b5059344158b71d1>:0) KSPAdvancedFlyByWire.SDLController.SDLUpdateState () (at <97996bf3d2eb4703b5059344158b71d1>:0) KSPAdvancedFlyByWire.AdvancedFlyByWire.Update () (at <97996bf3d2eb4703b5059344158b71d1>:0) UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogException(Exception, Object) ModuleManager.UnityLogHandle.InterceptLogHandler:LogException(Exception, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:CallOverridenDebugHandler(Exception, Object) [EXC 04:54:09.820] DllNotFoundException: libSDL2-2.14 KSPAdvancedFlyByWire.SDLController.InitializeSDL () (at <97996bf3d2eb4703b5059344158b71d1>:0) KSPAdvancedFlyByWire.SDLController.EnumerateControllers () (at <97996bf3d2eb4703b5059344158b71d1>:0) KSPAdvancedFlyByWire.IController.EnumerateAllControllers () (at <97996bf3d2eb4703b5059344158b71d1>:0) KSPAdvancedFlyByWire.AdvancedFlyByWire.DoMainWindow (System.Int32 index) (at <97996bf3d2eb4703b5059344158b71d1>:0) UnityEngine.GUI.CallWindowDelegate (UnityEngine.GUI+WindowFunction func, System.Int32 id, System.Int32 instanceID, UnityEngine.GUISkin _skin, System.Int32 forceRect, System.Single width, System.Single height, UnityEngine.GUIStyle style) (at <e617217aa15744b7b9ef96dc4ee58c67>:0) UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogException(Exception, Object) ModuleManager.UnityLogHandle.InterceptLogHandler:LogException(Exception, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:CallOverridenDebugHandler(Exception, Object) I have libSDL2-2.0 installed via apt; when trying for *2-2.14, says E: Unable to locate package libSDL2-2.14 E: Couldn't find any package by glob 'libSDL2-2.14' E: Couldn't find any package by regex 'libSDL2-2.14'
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