no, I understood what you meant about .dds flipping that's why I took option two and just stuck with .png for now. Save myself the extra step
But the flipping was only part of the issue.
i had drawn my texture to a modified uv map of an imported model, then using the texture on a stock model with its "stock" uv map in game, hence why i had weird rotated mirroring on the cylinder and the ends correct. the ends mapping i didnt change. but i did shift the section that covered the cylinder.
I've been exporting uv maps "as is" from stock models and drawing to them since and having much better luck.
Still a few details to fiddle with but I'm pleased with my efforts so far, I figure by the time i've roughly doodled a few tanks & SRB's I'll know what to do when i go back over them to "tidy up".