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Everything posted by Rventris

  1. no, I understood what you meant about .dds flipping that's why I took option two and just stuck with .png for now. Save myself the extra step But the flipping was only part of the issue. i had drawn my texture to a modified uv map of an imported model, then using the texture on a stock model with its "stock" uv map in game, hence why i had weird rotated mirroring on the cylinder and the ends correct. the ends mapping i didnt change. but i did shift the section that covered the cylinder. I've been exporting uv maps "as is" from stock models and drawing to them since and having much better luck. Still a few details to fiddle with but I'm pleased with my efforts so far, I figure by the time i've roughly doodled a few tanks & SRB's I'll know what to do when i go back over them to "tidy up".
  2. A little bit more poking around and I've discovered all I needed to do was use a .png and move the piece of my texture that was off to line up with the original models uvmap. I feel like such a fool now. Should've been rather obvious that setting a uv map for a new instance of a model when the texture is for a stock part was going to go badly for me.
  3. @ColdJ With the flip attempted both ways what I end up with is either a black cylinder with the ends as intended or the whole things black. I can't help but think that it's more than an image flip issue. simply because how it looks in the above pic is as if the image is being repeated at different angles around the tank while the ends are correct. Maybe I need to remap entirely instead of just moving,scaling and rotating the maps from the imported model? If so not exactly sure how to clear the "old" ones to replace them myself.
  4. Hey there it's me again. I've run into a new (to me) problem. for now all i'm doing is making a new texture for a stock fuel tank. in B4artists it all looks good: But when I take a look in-game it winds up looking like this: Don't get me wrong the "final product" I think looks kinda cool... It just isn't what I was aiming for and wondering what if anything i need to change to ensure the texture is applied correctly? thanks in advance Rventris
  5. @ColdJ looks like my previous post hasn't had it's edit approved just yet, not sure if this or that will be the first but hey-ho. so, this time i properly cloned the repo for the add-on instead of downloading it via browser as i did before. from there i followed the same steps as i had before and was very worried when the add-on manager said there was a script missing from io_object_mu, which was new. as one does when something different happens I tried the import again... SUCCESS! not sure why changing the download method for the plugin worked but thank you for taking the time to respond to my query
  6. okay, so I'm most certainly late to the party. especially as KSP2 is in early access. but is there any up to date info to get things working? I've tried adding the plugin to blender and bforartists, both throw errors when trying to import .mu files and won't complete the import. the errors all point to .py files in the plugin folders so i'm assuming the issue is compatability but maybe i've missed something along the way.
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