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Everything posted by Hoa_Binh

  1. Enough to avoid it most of the time and with the new revert to system there is no need to work hard to avoid it.
  2. He is trying to steal a spot on EVERY rocket I build ... feels like each time I change even a tiny little thing he takes a seat on my rocket. I contiously have to remove him from them.
  3. Science is so fun! And I love the weird things that the Kerbals actually concider data ...
  4. Saw a short tutorial on Youtube with the "wash and move towards" way and tried it. Worked fine to get close enough. The actual docking I just brute forced my way through, trying and trying again until I started to understand.
  5. Never really got into it. Like to fly my stuff by hand, of course some of the parts contained stuff I wanted but didn't really need so there was little motivation to get it.
  6. I have had my monies worth already and with the ease it seems to be modded I think lots of new stuff will come anyway.
  7. No, never actually. I'm not compatible with his voice and way of presentation so I have never even seen one of his videos to the end.
  8. Let me think ... I can't remember even once, so never. There have been some glitches but no crashes.
  9. I've played around with hyperedit for a kind of test facility. I don't want to spend 2 hours designing my new Duna rover, launch it only to have it flip or be unable to slow down enough to land. So I would drop the final stage of my rover into Duna orbit around 10 km and see if it can land. If it lands I would then end the flight and launch it for real. Of course this is something I would expect a real Lauch Stuff Into Space-agency to test in some sort of simulator so I don't really think of it as that much cheating.
  10. Congratualtions, that feeling from the first time is hard to beat. Just like the first landing on another planetary body.
  11. Every movie with space flight gets it wrong, usually when the ships burn pro-grade to slow down into an orbit.
  12. Started in 13.X so I have fond memories of landing on my wings/winglets on the mun. Awesome times indeed. Of course the first 5-6 version just kept on falling over before I understood what the lateral movement thingie was about.
  13. That would be for me Civ 5 at 667 hours according to Steam. I do play KSP but nowhere near as much.
  14. That is such a classic, people stranded on the mun is the first step to the kosmos!
  15. Congratulations! Nothing beats the very first time
  16. Hello and welcome. Remember, there is not such thing as too many boosters.
  17. First time I crashed about 8 times while learning, using the quick save and quick load to figure stuff out. But now I have twice landed and gotten back without loading once. Quite fun, and apparently I do everything highly inefficient since I\'ve been watching the turorials online and learned tons of new stuff since yesterday. /Anders
  18. Hi. New Kerbanaut that just joined and bought the game after it being linked from FTL Game. Been playing for three days so far and this morning I finaly became a Kerbman. I landed on the Mun without incident and got my brave Kerbanauts back. Two tumbs up to the team that makes the game, quite fun indeed. /Anders
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