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Everything posted by LewisJ

  1. KSP Version 1.12.5 Problem: When in map mode I sometimes can't select anything on the map like planets/moons, craft, nodes, can't create or select maneuvre nodes. This seems to happen randomly. I can select things in the UI like the nav ball, SAS, switching to maneuvre mode etc. I can go to the tracking station and go to a different craft, and it still happens. The only cure is closing down the game and restarting. Mods installed: PreciseManeuver Logs etc: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/149zsn3ei4503cw9lhiwm/h?rlkey=r5u4y0v2f2p73hzbkihscycg7&dl=0
  2. Thank you. After much fiddling around I saw this, and there's no signal. On the far side of the Mun. I guess I'll have to relay a signal or something? Lots of learning always to be done in KSP.
  3. Can confirm. I was rendezvousing (is that a word?) with a satellite, and as I exited for the EVA, my ship shot off at a decent rate. I had a seismometer just above the hatch. Moved that, sorted it.
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