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Everything posted by Parvonse

  1. I have tested it extensively and there is a clear barrier at 85 km. I can have a stable orbit just above 85 km but as soon as I dip down under it then the drag kicks in and PE and AP starts dropping.
  2. One issue I can't fix in this mod is that I can't timewarp or return to KSC until the craft is over 170km but the atmospheric effects stop at 85km, i.e. vacuum starts at 85 km. I've tried to mix around in the mod files but alas I am to stupid to figure it out. It would be nice if atmospheres didn't reach far out into space, that is one of the things I love about KSP 1 rescale mods, you really feel the size of kerbin thanks to being able to orbit so close relative to it's size. If I need a 200 km orbit then it doesn't really feel as big anymore I hope this issue can be adressed, the mod is otherwise fantastic
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