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  1. After updating to v1.6.10.1 the exhaust problem was fixed, so it shows up properly now. Regarding the muzzleflash issiue, here is what I found in the log: "MuzzleFX transform missing KSPParticleEmitter component. Please fix your model". From what I understood I need to add a particle emmiter in Unity for it to work, so i'll try to do that. Anyway, thank you very much! Love your mod.
  2. Hi! I have this problem that keeps bothering me. The guns and missiles I made, have no muzzle flash or exhaust effects, even though their models both have muzzleTransform and boostTransform/exhaustTransform respectively (on the missiles, the lighting effect of the exhaust is visible, but there's no particles). I wondered if I just need to add some sort of particle using PartTools, but I'm not very good with Unity so I have no idea. I would really appreciate it if someone gave me some advice on this topic and corrected me if I'm doing a mistake somewhere. Thanks in advance! This is my .cfg file of the missile I'm trying to fix right now: PS. If there is some more info that is needed to help me, I'll be more than happy to provide it!
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