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  1. So we know that as of right now, Jool technically has ground you can land on. Well, what if the surface got it's own biomes and landmarks?
  2. I'm really annoyed at all the people saying 'ksp2 is trash', 'oh this update might've saved it', 'the games broken'. What do you think KSP1 was like right after it was released. It doesn't matter what type of game it is, the developers need time to develop the game, and a game of KSP2's scope is not something you can do overnight, so stop criticizing everything. Can I get an "Amen" please.
  3. To be fair, at the same time we're talking about a species that's been able to survive more with less, and a species that's found ways to defy physics, such as the kraken drive. Yes, the Kerbals should definitely be capable of doing it.
  4. Hi again.  I had one last idea.  The mod system you used in Into The Warp, what if you did a playthrough?  It could be another brand new experience, with many new places to explore.

  5. What if KSP2 had specific weather for each planet. For example, Duna's IRL counterpart is known to experience planet-wide dust storms, so what if there was something like that in KSP2. Then the other atmospheric planets such as Laythe and Eve could have massive thunderstorms.
  6. Hello again, I had another idea.  I remember you showcased Nils277's colony parts mod.  Well I remember that when you showcased the Parralax mod on Laythe, the base on Lowne Island spontaneously combusted.  What if you launched a life on Laythe 3.0, using Nils277's base parts and other mods to make it bigger and better than ever before?

  7. My moment was struggling to launch a very large ship only to realize the second I got into orbit that I forgot some important component(IE solar panels, coms, etc.)
  8. Hello, new member here. Even though I've had KSP1 for over a year, and now KSP2 as well, I'm too nervous to launch any manned missions beyond Kerbin's SOI, in fear of stranding them. Any tips on how to improve efficiency?
  9. Hi, huge fan.  You're one of the reasons I got interested in KSP in the first place.  I'm always in awe by the sheer scale and distance of your creations, I can barely get to Minmus and back!  How long have you been playing the game?

    Also, I was wondering what you'd think about playing with the Outer Planets Mod, because it could open up many different challenges, such as a Sarnus 5.  There's another mission I've only heard about from a fan writing, call the Jool/Sarnus 10.  It is exactly what it sounds like, one ship, every moon of jool and sarnus in one go.  Also it could open up new missions for the Blunderbirds, such as Richmountain112's situation.

    Either way, you're my #1 favorite KSP Youtuber.  I tip my hat(or helmet) to you for helping inspire me to play myself.

    1. Matt Lowne

      Matt Lowne

      Heya, sorry I don't check the forums very often! But thank you, I am glad you enjoy my videos :) I don't have any plans to play OPM in the near future, but it's a mod pack I'm very aware of and I may take a look at it one day!

  10. Okay, so the thread for the creepy moments was quite old, so here I am starting a new one, but with a twist. What is your creepiest/most lonely moment in either KSP 1 or 2, and I'm not just talking about the base games, it can be from Outer Planets, Beyond Home, wherever. I'll start. I had stranded Val on the Mun, so I sent a rescue craft. As I was flying Val towards it and Jeb, I had this strange feeling that something was watching her. I never try to do 1 man missions.
  11. I'd say my creepiest moment was during a rescue mission. I had launched a spaceplane piloted by Val, and I managed to touch down on the Mun. However, I didn't have enough fuel to fully return, and since I suck at rendezvousing in orbit, I decided to ditch the plane and launch a rescue ship piloted by Jeb. I landed relatively close, so I just used Val's RCS pack to fly towards Jeb. I don't know why, but I just had the odd feeling that something was watching her. Luckily she made it to the lander and we got the heck out of there.
  12. I personally think it would be cool to effectively double the size of the Kerbol system, but that's just my opinion. What do you guys think?
  13. My second time writing here, but anyways, to the topic. Another interesting idea I had was if with enough resources you could actually manage to terraform different planets. I mean, how cool would it be to have a blue Duna, or turning Tylo into a second Kerbin orbiting Jool. Of course there should be size requirements, such as Gilly literally being an asteroid and Jool being 10x the size of Kerbin, but I think it's a fun idea.
  14. I'll make this short, as it's my first writing on this site, but I believe KSP 2 would be much more interesting if the outer planets were to be officially added or at least made into a mod, effectively doubling the size of the Kerbol system. I can even see how to lead up to it. At one point, Eeloo completely disappears from its orbit, and then further investigation reveals it has captured around a new gas giant(or not new, when you think about it). I just think making the outer planets canon and giving them and their moons touch ups would spice things up a bit. At the same time, the developers have been hinting towards a new mysterious planet beyond Eeloo's orbit.
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