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  1. I wanted to voice my concern about how the devs are going to handle the actually building of the colonies in the next major roadmap update. I was thinking that the best guess as to how they will do it is you get something on the ground with a bunch of resources and a special module that allows you to go into "Colony Building Mode" wherever you have landed. Then I imagine they just put a camera above that module that you can treat like a camera in the VAB and start building your colony like you would a craft in the VAB except you are outside on whatever celestial body you landed on. I think this would be a good system at it's base and makes sense. My concern however, is that I don't want the colony building process to feel too "God-like" if that makes sense. It doesn't make sense for a colony to essentially spawn there instantly after I build it, especially if I built some massive colony with many different buildings ect. It wouldn't feel like the massive accomplishment that it should feel like, the VAB gets away with it because the building feels like it is separate from the rest of the game. once you finish your craft you get it onto the launchpad or runway and the process seems like there is an implied amount of work that the Kerbals went through to get it there. That's why in the VAB you can see the Kerbals on the ground doing "work" and get an atmosphere that they are actually putting together your design (even if it isn't seen explicitly). For colony building, there are a couple things that the devs could do to avoid this feeling. They could make the colony building process more of a colony designing process, that once you exit the build, you see Kerbals build what you just designed from the ground up. They could either do this in a quick animation or in a long period of time (maybe weeks/months depending on size of colony) where the player can time-warp past to see the finished result. This would give the opportunity to put fun little details of Kerbals working in a kerbal way to build the colony when the player is watching it in real time. There could also be a functionality that based on how many kerbals you have with you to build the colonies, the animation could be faster or slower, this would give players incentive to bring massive "colony builder" ships to their build site so they can waste no time! I feel like getting to add those details will give the game a little bit more polish that the community is looking for and give the feeling of accomplishment of something big and new. This would also pay dividends once multiplayer comes out! The devs have talked about how players will not be on the same timeline unless they decide to "sync-up" for in person interactions. I think it would be so cool to go to some celestial body and to see that your friend's Kerbals are in the middle of building his colony instead of it just suddenly being there from one moment to the next. I do see how some players would see this as just annoying though, they might say that it just is an extra waste of time before getting to actually use the colony. I think this is a fair assessment and I think a solution that doesn't use week-long animations could be having a quick animation every time you put down/remove a part/building/road when building colonies. It would differ from the VAB, instead of just some sparks that imply welding and such it could be a sped up animation of Kerbals building the colonies. Having an animation for each part of the colony will still give you the feeling of it being a massive effort of the Kerbals without it taking a while for the player to enjoy their spoils. I hope others can see my vision, I just dont want something so big to feel like such low effort in game. Please give your opinions and hopefully the devs have something good cooking up for us. ^ Like seriously, it just makes sense that something like this should take time or at least look/feel special during the build process^
  2. I wanted to put this out into the community about the next major roadmap updates to see if anyone agrees. Obviously the team has a plan for what features should come when but they have also said they will be flexible based on what the community wants. Perhaps this can be a thread to show what the community wants first. I am extremely excited for the colonies update and can't wait to see KSP2 finally achieve features that will separate itself from it's predecessor. It is my understanding from interviews and KSP2 development posts that the colonies update really only brings building colonies into the game. The only real purpose they will bring to the game is looking cool and launching vessels from whatever planet/moon you want in the Kerbolar system. That is all fun and good, honestly I would probably have hours of fun with that anyways if development stays on track with the current roadmap; However, this would also mean that the colonies wouldn't get any "True" functionality until after the interstellar update. Once the colonies update comes we will likely see a large gap between that and the interstellar update sense there is such a large amount of new mechanics and development that will need to go into new solar systems and how to get there. There was a 10 month wait for the first big update of KSP2 "For Science!", I understand that was to fix a lot of bugs on launch so I don't expect Colonies to take as long but I wouldn't expect it in the next 3-4 months. If we estimated an average of 6 months between each update that would mean we could get colonies around June or July, then interstellar around December or January of 2025, and then go back to resource gathering by Jun or July of 2025. Having a whole year between being able to build colonies and being able to utilize colonies in the way that I believe the devs want them to be used seems out of place to me. While I and many others are extremely excited for interstellar, I think we would also appreciate the colonies and their functionality being completely fledged out before going into the next "BIG NEW THING" for KSP2. To me it does not make sense to add construction of colonies, have a gap and add interstellar, then go back and add functionality to colonies. Another point to make, sadly, is bug fixes. The colonies update will likely have some things to it that the community will have notes on what could be done better, of course these things can be addressed in smaller updates in between colonies and interstellar, but I think it would also be good to have the next big roadmap goal also be connected to colonies, making the focus of the development team "locked in" on getting these parts of the game perfect before moving on. If resource gathering is next on the list from colonies it would also allow them to add big "second thought"/"lesser priority" things to colonies seamlessly in addition to the exploration roadmap goal (similar to how For Science! added reentry heating). Lastly I would like to talk about integration of the resource gathering and transportation system from interplanetary to interstellar. Resource distribution on this large of a scale seems to me like a hard case to crack, I think there will be some errors in the first version that the becomes publicly available. I would personally rather have those struggles on interplanetary missions rather than interstellar ones in the first implementation of resource gathering. If we switched interstellar and exploration on the roadmap hopefully it would mean that the resource distribution systems can be perfected and easily ported to interstellar. I would rather have headache and be able to look at it as just a problem with the one feature of resource distribution rather than feel like its frustration with interstellar and resource distribution. Overall I love that the development team has been more open with communication and taking advice from their audience (Thank you for fixing wobbly rockets ). I do wonder what the rest of the community thinks about this, and if the developers would consider changing such a big decision. Anyways much love to the devs and the community, I'm sure that we will be happy with whatever way development goes but I think it is something to consider. P.S. this could also mean that you could push the second new star system addition to come in the multiplayer update which could be fun to have the first looks of new territory to be with friends. Just a thought!
  3. I wanted to put this out into the community about the next major roadmap updates to see if anyone agrees. Obviously the team has a plan for what features should come when but they have also said they will be flexible based on what the community wants. Perhaps this can be a thread to show what the community wants first. I am extremely excited for the colonies update and can't wait to see KSP2 finally achieve features that will separate itself from it's predecessor. It is my understanding from interviews and KSP2 development posts that the colonies update really only brings building colonies into the game. The only real purpose they will bring to the game is looking cool and launching vessels from whatever planet/moon you want in the Kerbolar system. That is all fun and good, honestly I would probably have hours of fun with that anyways if development stays on track with the current roadmap; However, this would also mean that the colonies wouldn't get any "True" functionality until after the interstellar update. Once the colonies update comes we will likely see a large gap between that and the interstellar update sense there is such a large amount of new mechanics and development that will need to go into new solar systems and how to get there. There was a 10 month wait for the first big update of KSP2 "For Science!", I understand that was to fix a lot of bugs on launch so I don't expect Colonies to take as long but I wouldn't expect it in the next 3-4 months. If we estimated an average of 6 months between each update that would mean we could get colonies around June or July, then interstellar around December or January of 2025, and then go back to resource gathering by Jun or July of 2025. Having a whole year between being able to build colonies and being able to utilize colonies in the way that I believe the devs want them to be used seems out of place to me. While I and many others are extremely excited for interstellar, I think we would also appreciate the colonies and their functionality being completely fledged out before going into the next "BIG NEW THING" for KSP2. To me it does not make sense to add construction of colonies, have a gap and add interstellar, then go back and add functionality to colonies. Another point to make, sadly, is bug fixes. The colonies update will likely have some things to it that the community will have notes on what could be done better, of course these things can be addressed in smaller updates in between colonies and interstellar, but I think it would also be good to have the next big roadmap goal also be connected to colonies, making the focus of the development team "locked in" on getting these parts of the game perfect before moving on. If resource gathering is next on the list from colonies it would also allow them to add big "second thought"/"lesser priority" things to colonies seamlessly in addition to the exploration roadmap goal (similar to how For Science! added reentry heating). Lastly I would like to talk about integration of the resource gathering and transportation system from interplanetary to interstellar. Resource distribution on this large of a scale seems to me like a hard case to crack, I think there will be some errors in the first version that the becomes publicly available. I would personally rather have those struggles on interplanetary missions rather than interstellar ones in the first implementation of resource gathering. If we switched interstellar and exploration on the roadmap hopefully it would mean that the resource distribution systems can be perfected and easily ported to interstellar. I would rather have headache and be able to look at it as just a problem with the one feature of resource distribution rather than feel like its frustration with interstellar and resource distribution. Overall I love that the development team has been more open with communication and taking advice from their audience (Thank you for fixing wobbly rockets ). I do wonder what the rest of the community thinks about this, and if the developers would consider changing such a big decision. Anyways much love to the devs and the community, I'm sure that we will be happy with whatever way development goes but I think it is something to consider. P.S. this could also mean that you could push the second new star system addition to come in the multiplayer update which could be fun to have the first looks of new territory to be with friends. Just a thought!
  4. I'm really annoyed at all the people saying 'ksp2 is trash', 'oh this update might've saved it', 'the games broken'. What do you think KSP1 was like right after it was released. It doesn't matter what type of game it is, the developers need time to develop the game, and a game of KSP2's scope is not something you can do overnight, so stop criticizing everything. Can I get an "Amen" please.
  5. Hello its me DAFATRONALDO2007 IN SPACE and i added this discussion thread so we can all express our appreciation to the developers of KSP2. if you didn't already know, its a good sign when devs. are in good spirits so lets keep it that way. You can simply type something nice for the devs. or give a shoutout to them, you can also give appreciation to the moderators who have to moderate the forums tirelessly day after day. and yes, if you want, you can give appreciation to someone in the forums. At the end of the day, We are all in this Together. So let's spread some Kerbal Kindness! Sincerely, DAFATRONALDO2007 IN SPACE! KSP2 Developers Appreciation Discussion Thread! Now Open! Thank you to all the moderators and devs. for KSP2 we appreciate you very good work! Also make sure to SMASH THAT LIKE BUTTON IN THE FACE, LIKE A BIG BOI BOSS!!! That way i know to make more great topics like this one Rules: 1. Please no Cursing or i'll tell ur mommy your cursing 2. Always spread kindness even if ya dont feel like it 3. No hate comments to anyone 4. Spam clicking IS allowed but only to a small extent 5. always be grateful to our Devs that, without them, KSP2 would not exist. 6. That's all 7. plz like 8. or else 9. i mean it... 10. there no more
  6. So I was thinking about how the devs were going to approach the problem of new solar systems. As we all know by now, new solar systems are a major part of KSP2. It is the main reason behind the new parts and even the game. So how are the devs going to handle new solar systems? I came up with two ideas (feel free to suggest more): 1. Hand crafted planets If you are like me, then this is the first idea you had when you heard the words "interstellar travel". But this would be insanely limiting. First the devs would have to make a sun, planet, any moons and all the other planets and extra bits. But inspiration flags and the work that they are doing to make the stock planets look amazing can't be easy. Also KSP is a game of discovery and imagination. While KSP has all the stock planets named specific names, if you have hundreds of exoplanets, you will run out of names, and the community will want different names. If a planet is hand crafted, the devs will want to make the name themselves. 2. Randomly generated planets After hearing about No Man Sky and all the problems with that, I noticed something: I immediately realized how awesome KSP2 would be if the exoplanets were procedurally generated! You could fly around to the new system, name all the planets with cool names that you came up with (this is the planet of MOAR BOOSTERS in the Jebolar system), and you would be the only person with those planets. This would also take a huge load off the developers as they could just set this up and let people play. They could put in special features like canyons and caves, and let the game engine do the rest. This would encourage you to do interstellar travel, as no one has ever set foot on that planet. With the stock planets, lots of people have landed on Eeloo, and you can just look up a picture of what it looks like. But you would be discovering new landscapes! Many modern video games do this. Minecraft is the obvious one, World of Warcraft, No Man Sky, <--- Example of Procedurally generated terrain So in conclusion: Hand Crafted Planets Pros- More of a Kerbolar system feel Greater possibility of Easter Eggs and cool terrain More manageable amount Cons- Amount of dev time needed Inspiration may flag, resulting in boring planets/names Less exoplanets/solar systems Procedurally generated planets Pros - Much more exoplanets The ability to name them More terrain to explore Cons - Less of a 'homemade' feel that the stock planets have More CPU intensive (if you have a hundred planets) Less of a connect with fellow KSP2 players (its more difficult to make a post about your visit to JebBillBobVal if no-one else has that planet)
  7. as the wiki page states you need to have a understanding of the forces at play to get the most out of your turboprop i want to use the kal-1000 to dynamically change my angle of attack relative to my air speed but cant find a way to do so. alternatives are welcome because i cant find any way to change the attack angle passively that would be effective.
  8. Just a suggestion that will probably fall on stony ground. I suggest that mod makers MODULARISE their mods. A core mod which does the very basics of what a mod was designed for Then separate downloadable modules which the user can decide if they want or not. Keep it simple. Mechjeb : should have just the three basics of repetitive use. Launch assist, Precision Landing and Interception. Kerbal Alarm Clock : should have it's basics of Node alarm and transfer window alarm. Kerbal Engineer: should have just the DV guide. I chose these three as they are the most popular mods but the same applies to any mod which tends to go through a 'growth' process as these certainly have. How many of use actually use all the functions and extras that they provide? They have turned into monsters which are bigger, harder to maintain, harder to trace faults and harder to expand. The more that there is to go wrong the more will go wrong. While the temptation is great to speak from a personal viewpoint on what I want these mods to have as extras I will resist doing so and remain objective and so when I speak of 'some users' I am by no means referring to myself. Some users only want a Mechjeb, Engineer or Alarm clock as I described above, others, including myself, would like some of but by no means all of the extras which have been bolted on. Some things simply never get added because even though the mod maker likes the functions, they feel that not enough people would use the function to warrant it being added to the mod. It would be excellent if the core of the mod never changed in function only upgraded to newer versions of KSP. So I call on you mod makers! Get back to basics! Keep it simple! Make the mods for your mods optional!
  9. This question is generally addressed to the game's developers. With 1.1.3 update custom audio filters stopped working because the OnAudioFilterRead(..) method isn't called anymore. The same code works in KSP 1.1.2 and doesn't in KSP 1.1.3. Since the Unity build remains the same according to logs, I have a strong suspicion that something has been changed in the game's code for that part. I use them in the following manner: Get all available AudioListeners and add an instance of my custom audio filter to each of them. Of course, it extends MonoBehavior. Do I need to enable audio filters explicitly somehow or there's not a chance to get them working in 1.1.3? I use KSP 64 bit for win.
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