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Everything posted by Person0977

  1. Okay nevermind, one person said to me in a discord server that it's the autostrut on the part that is attached to the hinge that breaks the hinge's mechanism, i basically just didn't understand your explaination at first (my problem), now i hope that the autostruts are in fact the cause to this issue because i haven't played KSP since i understood this.
  2. I can always give more details just in case
  3. When i get this problem, the autostruts are deactivated, and the hinge pivotron i'm using is connecting a 2.5m air breathing engine to a 2.5m service bay, so it's not really a leg or a wheel and it doesn't connect directly towards the heaviest part of the ship, but it's a custom VTOL engine for my plane. One note is that i placed wings and control surfaces around those connected parts, and they do slightly peek into the moving parts, but i tried to move them further from the connected parts (the engine, the hinge pivotron and the cargo bay) with the move tool, and it didn't fix anything, is this still the same issue or is it a different one?
  4. Hello The hinges and joints don't work for me for some reason, when i activate them or try to change their position they will always get stuck in their current position and won't move, they only wobble up and down by 0.1 degrees but that's all. If anyone knows why my hinges and joints always get stuck on their own, please let me know.
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