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Mister Dilsby

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  1. Mister Dilsby's post in Depart For Duna was marked as the answer   
    If you have a fully fueled ferry at Minmus then yes, eject straight from there to interplanetary. While a burn from low Kerbin periapsis is more efficient, you would have to burn a good amount of fuel to reduce your periapsis from Minmus's orbit down to that point. 
    All of my interplanetary missions leave from Minmus orbit, in fact for a while I maintained a fueling station there ("Minmus Outbound") that I kept filled by drone "ore piggies" from the surface. And when I returned from Duna and Eve, I did so by topping off the tanks at Ike and Gilly respectively. Will do the same from Pol on my way out of the Jool system.
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