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Everything posted by Aiurwarrior1

  1. Reported Version: v0.2.1 (latest) | Mods: BepInEx, UITK, SpaceWarp, Community Fixes, Flight Plan, K2-D2, Kerbal Headlamp, Maneuver Node Controller, Node Manager, Orbital Survey, Patch Manager, Premonition, Wayfarers Wings | Can replicate without mods? Yes OS: Windows 10 Home | CPU: Intel i5-10600K @ 4.10Ghz | GPU: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 3060 | RAM: 16 GB Severity: Low (Can be worked around) Frequency: High (Can reproduce consistency with and without mods, with different combinations of parts) Description: When using multiple engines in a stage with multiple fuel tanks, delta-v calculates differently based on the order and size of the fuel tanks in the stage. I was building a Falcon-9 style recoverable first stage, and was adding tanks to give more delta-v for recovery when I noticed that it was not reaching the expected delta-v. I'd added a "X200-32" to the top of a stack of "x200-64" tanks, noted the additional Dv, and then swapped it out for an X200-64. To my surprise the Dv went down instead! I tested multiple fuel tank combinations and found that the Dv calculates wrong when there's a smaller tank below a larger tank, or two of the same size tank. However, when there are smaller tanks above larger tanks it calculates correctly (or at least gives a higher Dv result)! I also tested with single engines vs multiple, and the bug does not appear to occur with single engine builds. Included Attachments:
  2. I built a suborbital hopper with a lander stage equipped with jets to hover my way over to the target. Worked well for both Kapy Rock and Stargazer Point! The tricky part was keeping the quad-jet stable. I managed it for Kapy Rock manually, but when I went to Stargazer I used the K2D2 mod to manage the hovering stability for me.
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