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  1. Thanks Topos! PR accepted and new release made. I'm hoping to finally get a bit of focus to finish the next round of updates (and some screenshots) after next week, which should include some visual indicators of experiments running, I've just not had the time the last few weeks!
  2. Thanks both for trying out this mod and the feedback, it's really appreciated. @jordanjay29 Thanks! I'll get some screenshots sorted and write up a little 'How this works' on the main post so that it's a little clearer @Mitokandria Yup that's exactly it. In short: Each experiment has a set of conditions (i.e. location, parts of craft, crew on craft, previous experiments triggered, if that experiment has been run by another kerbal on the current vessel, etc) that need to be met in order to allow them to be the current 'focused' experiment - of which there is only one focused on at a time. Each Kerbal will automatically try and have a focused experiment going if possible. For some experiments, the Kerbal needs to actually be in a specific part, and that part can also encourage / prioritize particular experiments, as well as decrease the time for the them to take. The experiments complete after a certain time which is random and depends on the each experiment and the current situation/region science multiplier (i.e. Kerbin Low Orbit is low, but Eeloo landed is high). This means that it can be hundreds of days or could be just a few before an experiment triggers. When an experiment does trigger, you'll get a notification about 'something kurious' noticed by one of your kerbals, and the experiment results are added to their stored science reports (could be data, sample, or both). If a change in conditions mean that the current focused experiment is no longer valid, then progress on it will be paused and a valid experiment will automatically become the focus. Progress on experiments is tied to the Kerbal themselves, not the craft - so it follows them on EVA, or if they change vessels, etc. Currently all progress is reset once they get recovered at the KSC (or killed!) - although if a Kerbal completes an experiment then that does persist between launches. Currently there is no UI or visual indicator to show what experiments that Kerbal has completed, or what they are currently focused on. I'm having a busy time at work at the moment but as soon as it lightens off this is next on my list to put in place (along with better Science Arkive compatibility) Do let me know if there is anything else that would be good to see, or if you have suggestions for new experiments to add?
  3. I'd be very keen to see Asteroids appear in an interim update - for me they really added a great challenge in finding / capturing / mining them
  4. Updated to v0.1.2: Changed the condition of tech unlocked and kuriosity experiments completed to handle a list of items rather than a single item Added a feature to deprioritize an experiment (i.e. not run it) for all kerbals on a vessel once one of them has completed an experiment onboard Added 8 more experiments, and adjusted conditions and running duration for several existing experiments (attempting to balance)
  5. Kuriosity Science Kurious events that inspire our kerbals to complete some science! Kuriosity Science on SpaceDock Also available on CKAN! https://github.com/Cadestronaut/KuriosityScience Balance and other feedback most welcome! Features Generate completed science experiments from your kerbals whilst they're in flight Each kerbal in flight is running a Kuriosity Experiment whenever possible These experiments take a variable amount of time, depending on the specific experiment and how 'rich' (i.e. the science point multiplier) the particular location of the kerbal is Each experiment has it's own conditions, and is typically not specific to a biome/location/situation - so most can only be completed once per kerbal Different parts can support (or prioritize the running of) different experiments, and can also impact the rate at which experiments run - for example kerbals in a lab run experiments faster than those in a command pod Ability to customize the rate at which experiments run, and the amount of science returned Design goals Aiming to give some more reasons to keep kerbals in space for prolonged periods, in a variety of different situations and craft Ideally intended to work in conjunction with a life-support mod (for example the excellent **KLSS**) Increasing the options for gathering early-game science, whilst not being OP in a more mature game Extendable via **Patch Manager** patches to define new experiments and attach them to parts Planned Features UI to review experiments that each kerbal is running or has completed Updated localization Changelog: About modding KSP2 This has been my first experience modding a game, having been a fan of KSP & KSP2 since the early days. I had read a lot about some of the perceived challenges and barriers to modding KSP2 that some of the KSP community had expressed, and was curious to see for myself. Although the modding scene here is small, it's been able to (within ~15 hours) guide me to the point of creating the first version of this mod, by solely using the SpaceWarp wiki, Patch Manager wiki, lurking in the KSP2 Modding Society Discord, and looking through some of the excellent examples of mods that have already been created. I'd like to call out a few of the modders whose work here has inspired and taught me, even if they don't know it... Cheese3660, Falki, Leonardfactory, Munix, Schlosrat, Safarte ...and many others Licence: MIT
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