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  1. Figured it out. If anyone else is confused by the instructions, what you want to do is create a transport route loaded up with fuel then when you get to your desired attitude (next to space station for emersion) DONT DOCK. Instead hit a button I think its called dump payload (or something similar) and dump fuel equal to the mass that would be delivered (kinda like token spaceship parts). Then you can either come back down and land or if that's not possible just stop the recording. Once this is done you will have a route with a cost and altitude associated with it which can be used to construct vehicles. I think I like this system better than the other spacedock mods, anyway this mod allows you to automate other deliveries which is a big plus.
  2. Does anybody have a video or just a more detailed explanation of how construction missions work? I see that it's supposed to take time for the construction to take place (based on number of scientists and size is limited by number of engineers) how does the interface work to construct the ship and what do I send up to get the construction going? Is this like other mods where you have to send up space ship parts etc, or do I send sections of my craft up like I was doing an eva construction? I apologize if this question has already been answered I did check the previous posts but I didn't see anything relevant. Great work @linuxgurugamer you are a legend, can't wait for ksp2 to progress enough to start getting a lot of good mods for that game.
  3. I guess I didn't really think of orbital construction as being so much about automation as much as increased ship capabilities. In order to build the really big ships that will be required for interstellar you are really going to want to do orbital construction. Even in ksp1, when I need a mothership I am reduced to the time consuming and some what impractical task of assembling subcomponents in orbit (this really sucks when I want to attach something radially and need mechjeb to get it to align perfectly). Automation is definitely good for just getting fuel from point A to orbit B. Anxious to see some designs for what ksp2 is planning for orbital vehicle construction, doesn't seem to be much information released yet.
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