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Everything posted by smackthepony

  1. That fixed the stuttering for me completely! Thanks However something weird has started happening...switching application focus is causing KSP to change its resolution immediately, something that hadn't happened to me prior to the latest AnyRes update. It's happening regardless of fullscreen or windowed mode, or whether the AnyRes window is open. For example, I had it set to 1280x1400 windowed to splitscreen with Chrome, and clicking on chrome caused KSP to switch to my 1080p fullscreen preset while visible in the background. No log message appears for this resolution switch. I deleted and reconfigured all my presets, and it continued reverting but to a different resolution preset; it seems like it is automatically reverting to the bottom-most resolution in the presets list? But I'm not sure. I'm also experiencing an issue where alt+tabbing will not work while in fullscreen: pressing alt-tab brings up the Windows app switcher interface for a fraction of a second and then it disappears, keeping KSP on top. This isn't as much of an issue since I can work around it by Start menu-ing out of KSP though.
  2. Yeah you're definitely right, I didn't notice an issue until my mod list started ballooning. Doesn't really impact gameplay for me except for struggling to move my cursor to press buttons and close the menu, but it's a pretty minor inconvenience. Thanks for looking into it!
  3. I'm having some serious performance issues... any time the AnyRes window is open, the framerate tanks with periodic stutters, and it appears to be a RAM usage problem. MemGraph shows a massive spike in the garbage collection graph and more frequent GCs. It seems to happen regardless of the scene (I've tried KSC, VAB, Tracking Station, and in-flight), and regardless of the resolution or whether I actually press any buttons in the AnyRes interface. I'm on AnyRes 2.0.8 & KSP Here's a video of the issue in the Tracking Station with MemGraph, the console log, and hardware performance info. This mod has been super useful regardless, thank you for the work you've put into it! Edit: Mod list
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