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Everything posted by Estelcontar

  1. A workaround to this that works pretty consistently is (assuming your descent stage still has some fuel), throttle up the descent stage to get off the ground, cut the engine, and then immediately stage and fire the ascent engine. Lifting the lander just a few meters even allows it to be listed as flying instead of landed, so the ascent stage trajectory shows. Alternatively, you can stage, fire ascent engine, save, and then edit the save file. Search for the craft name and change its situation from landed to orbiting. Both are annoying, but work fine until the bug's fixed.
  2. I've really enjoyed the For Science update of KSP2, and finally gone from barely playing after release to working my way through the game. I understand the game is in early access and bugs are to be expected. But nothing has annoyed me more than the terrain colliders, which feel the exact same as KSP 1 to me, and just as buggy and clippy. Rover wheels clipping through the ground (especially on the runway), landing legs sinking weirdly into the Mun/Minmus. Couple that with craft loading with a jump (or worse) when coming within 2.4km and it's a recipe for disaster. Last night I launched an Apollo-style lander to the Mun with a rover on its side (as an aside, it's really tough packing those things without robotics, which I hope comes back in the future). I landed near an intersection of 3 biomes to expedite science collection. One of my rover trips led me about 5km from my craft. On my return journey, I got a notification that "combined-xx" was on a crashing trajectory, which I ignored because I had no idea which ship "combined-xx" was. Then I get back to my ship only to find it... completely missing. Like someone stole it. All that was left was my flag and the stack separator I used for detaching my rover. I assume that was the notification I got -- that when my ship loaded in, it jumped or glitched through terrain (another annoying bug). After a minute of just staring, I used the cheat menu for the first time to teleport my kerbals to my CSM and called it a night. The thing that always stopped me from doing bases in KSP 1 was the jumps when they would load, and now we're getting the same thing in KSP2. Craft jumping on loading, landing legs/wheels clipping into the ground, and the combination of those causing wild physics glitches. I know there's a future a new terrain system coming eventually -- I hope part of that development fixes these issues. The 2.4km load issue is especially galling, and basically makes doing long-range rover exploration a complete gamble.
  3. Not OP, but having the same issue. Here's a video of this -- it looks like my relays are initially shown as not having any power until I load into them, at which point the game recognizes they have power and enables them. Not sure if it's a KSP2 bug or a CommNext bug. Here's a onedrive link for a save file, but let me know if you prefer a different way to share it.
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