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  1. Also, when using Landing, you can't have multiple stages I found out...
  2. First of all, I love your mod! I was wondering about the following: Does it only work in sandbox mode? In exploration I couldn't find it to work. Is it true that it automatically opens the VBA upon starting the game? I can't seem to chose where to go to in the beginning myself. I found that the staging in the lift engine doesn't keep cycling until there is an engine activated. I like to state my craft with a little time in between the activation and the seperation to ensure that parts don't collide. Yet staging seems to fail now when I do this. When looking at the lift curve in lift and I try to have the shape fit with the correct altitude, it doesn't seem to really work. It seems to initially stay lower than the 100 km. And when I changed it it also didn't seem to work. What am I doing wrong? Also, the lift program doesn't seem to want to make my orbit circular. Is this me misunderstanding the program? Because the program does indicate a certain circulation process. Keep up the amazing work and sorry for the stupid questions.
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