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  1. Thank you for responding so quickly, I appreciate it. Sorry that I can't return the favor due to college. Not sure if I followed the instructions correctly but I found the following logs: KSP.log MMpatch.log Module Manger.log log.txt (I labeled it as the IFILS log since I found it in the IFILS folder) I have all of the logs in the this drop box: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/cq26uwx8csrxgcxjkz6hc/h?rlkey=gdtjwz8zd2gwv9w1sdqi97k5b&dl=0 For context (if you need it) Friday, 3/15 is when my second career mode save broke down. After it broke, I tried ripping out a lot of mods to see if it would fix the button issues. Also, on this day, I started the science mode save. On Saturday 3/16 I continued the science mode save and ran into the various bugs regarding Val. If there is a specific log you're looking for or if you want me to do something specific in game to see what gets recorded into the log let me know. Thank you for trying to help me.
  2. Sorry for how long this post is going to be, it’s my first time ever speaking to the KSP community, and I have a long list of problems to say. Also, I know the mod creator is busy with lots of stuff so I don’t expect this to get resolved anytime soon but I would like them to know about these issues. I have been using this mod for a little over a month and while I love it to death I have run into many issues with it. I will go through these issues in chronological order. I first started playing this mod on one of my longer standing career saves on my Windows PC back at home. Everything was going smoothly until one day I completed a contract where I had to rescue a Kerbal stuck a utility module (provided by stock alike station parts) in low Kerben orbit. There was a minor bug that made the utility module spawn without life support so the stranded Kerbal without was instantly turned into a tourist. Since I only needed to rescue them, this was fine. But once I completed the mission, I pressed the recovery button, and I was met with a message saying the recovery has been requested. I thought this was a part of the mod, so I tried to go back to the space center, but that button didn’t work either. In fact, every button no longer worked. I terminated the game and loaded it back up. It put me back in the Space Center but once again, none of the buttons worked. I could only enter the research building and that was it, I couldn’t even exit the building. I tried opening the console to see if there was an explanation there but due to my lack of programing knowledge, I didn’t really understand anything. When KSP is in this broken state, and I try to press the quit to main menu button I get the error in the console “object reference not set to an instance of object”. I know everything I just described is IFILS’s fault since everything goes back to normal when I remove it. I thought all those issues might have been due to how long I have had that career save for. Seeing how I need to return to college soon where my only way to game is a steam deck, I decided to start a new career mode save on my steam deck. Due to my lack of understanding of how Linux works I couldn’t figure out how to install CKAN and just copied my mod files from my window desktop to my steam deck. Everything was going fine on this new save. I did have a minor bug where sometimes when a kerbal goes on EVA it causes the craft to spin faster and faster until it gets torn to pieces. But one day I asked Valentina to go on an EVA. Before I could let go of the craft to prevent the spinning glitch, she gets flung off the craft and disappears. I get informed that she became a tourist due to a lack of life support and I’m back to where I was in the last paragraph all the buttons no longer work and when I press quit to main menu, the console says, “object reference not set to an instance of object”. At this point my basic understanding of this glitch is that when I create a new save, a timer starts. Once the timer hits zero all my buttons will break, which I will find out the next time I try to exit the game. Knowing this, I have started a science mode save on my steam deck and everything has been fine so far. The only bug I ran into is that when I try to take Valentina on an EVA, she instantly becomes a tourist because she doesn’t take any life support with her. I took Jeb out for an EVA (on the same mission) and he did not have this problem. Also, later in the mission Val’s parachute and EVA pack disappeared from her inventory. I’m assuming this is just a series of terrible bugs that will get fixed in the future, but can anyone tell me how to mitigate them or even why they are happening in the first place? If you want me to pull out a log or something you will have to tell me how since I have never really dug around in the KSP folders. (This is my first time posting anything so I am under moderation restriction, my reply might take a second.)
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