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  1. Seen a few screenclips on kspbuils and ect of rockets and planes displaying country flags and decals like we could in ksp 1, i may be overlooking bur havnt seen a way or mod to add these im wondering how these people were able to do so
  2. So after removing all of my mods and then going onto the spacedock website to download rhe latest version of KSRE because CKAN does not het have the latest version, then after that i went to ckan and installed the other 2 dependencies opened it up startes a new exploration as it mentions in its instructions and works great so far, going to attempt to re add some of my mods and let you know how it goes
  3. I neither have any of the needed knowledge for this stuff, but what i observed was he updated the mod on the 14th and i believe patch manager also updated a day or so after he updated so that could be the cause?? Im tempted to go ahead and try to delete all my current mods and only install it and its dependencies and see if it works that way, however very very little information on this being possibly one of the best mods from what I've read, cant wait to try it out
  4. Been having issues with this mod as well, installed it few nights ago, it was working as i had new loading screens and such but every time i would go to the launch pad to launch anything it would freeze on the load screen
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