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  1. If I recall, deployable engines is either a dependency or outright comes with Cryoengines. Eve Engines shouldn't do anything, but i guess i can try putting taking it out and see if that helps. Not like I'm good enough at the game yet to have a use for them. That said, my best guess, so far, is that for some reason the audio files are trying to load before Module Manager. That doesn't make much sense to me, but. It also says unnamed node, so that may have something do do with it. I could always reinstall it and see if that fixes the issue I suppose.
  2. https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/rmcwx3ti0gywe7tny6zht/KSP.log?rlkey=stk9ar0pcie2z7h003ta3rjp5&dl=0 well, here. here's hoping this helps. i've tried some basic troubleshooting i hoped might work to no success.
  3. sorry, i thought it'd be a bit bigger and didn't know it messed with loading. Though I suppose I might as well as quick here then, does the log file have any Personally Identifiable Information in it? I looked through it all generally and didn't see any, but I want to make sure.
  4. I don't know how to upload the entire file, and i hesitate to do so, but I'm pretty sure this is the issue in question.
  5. Um, i installed the mod (and stock real plume, already had waterfall and stock waterfall installed), couple questions. first i'm assuming that plume coming out of the bottom of the srb is intentional and designed to look like real SRB burning out, but shouldn't it go away after a while? but that doesn't really bother me honestly, i'm more bothered by the fact that I, somehow, have silent SRBs now? Installing the mods has removed the sound from them. I still have sound on the liquid engines. Is there any way to get their sound back?
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