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  1. Ohhhh, thank you for pointing that out. I just downloaded all the recommended mods with the benjee's orbiter construction kit and I would have never figured that out. Thank you kind sir!
  2. Please help! This mod brings me so much joy but I seem to get this weird shading bug on the parts from this mod. I have tried changing the config files on Scatterer, but that doesn't seem to fix anything (I have tried adjusting Shadow Cascades, but I have that maxed in my game graphics settings). I can see other people's photos with similar (im guessing) visual mods. I currently have Stock Volumetric Clouds, EVE, Scatterer, Shabby, Shaddy, Spectra, and Parallax. All the other mods I have are fine, but I can only see this shadowing on the parts in this mod. https://imgur.com/a/JPm4aH7 ^Screen grabs of the shading going funny I appreciate any help I can get!
  3. I honestly love this mod, thank you for the great planets!! I do have a question about Cind tho. I really like the style and vibe but I want to know if it’s possible to make the “lava lake” look more lava-ey. Is it a simple case of just editing the texture file myself?
  4. I didn't expect a reply from the great benjee himself! I attached an image of all the parts and their states below for reference; I can deploy the J-MCE, the J-ICS and the J-SEDA, but there is no button to run the experiment that it states in the VAB (https://imgur.com/a/4vJI9qH) I can confirm that the IP-E (FPMU) works fine, but I cant seem to run the HT-AMS-2 around Kerbin (in an orbit of 80km and 360km)(I tried running it from the command pod and through EVA but it says that the experiment can't be done right now). https://imgur.com/a/e6zb6kf As a side note; I don't want to bombard you with some bugs but I also noticed that the Solar Array Assemblies are missing the "Active Radiator" Module in the config. I was able to fix it by copy pasting a similar radiators active radiator module into the config of the solar array assemblies' but I thought I might as well bring it to your attention.
  5. I'm having a real blast with this mod in my career mode, but it seems that the experiments that you mount to the scientific experiment platform (which was made to attach to the Kibo module) don't actually do any science. I can deploy them, but I do not see any "Run Experiment" type of button
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