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Everything posted by UncleMateo

  1. For now, I'm putting the list on hold after this (good mod btw, I used to like that one for the pod cover thing) . At this point, I might be the only one still working on RestockRecolour (but hopefully not, people do tend to get busy this time of year). There's a lot left to do in that project. It's big, it's complicated, it's messy, and it's time consuming. And I want to see it done one way or another. In light of that, and the rather extensive backlog of requests I've gathered, I'm afraid I must, for now, stop taking requests.. mainly in the hopes that I can actually fulfill the requests currently queued up. But all requests thus far will be honored, so long as I can continue to work on KSP mods.
  2. Alright, Beratnas, some updates: Those of you keeping up with the latest GitHub updates have probably noticed they went from practically every day, to several times a week, to once or twice a week, to almost nothing. Basically, the other contributors have stepped back and it's really only been me doing the updates since around Halloween or so. Especially around the holiday season, people get busy. Life gets the better of us. And quite frankly, doing TURD configs in particular can be exhausting. And I say this from experience, as I started playing less KSP and working on more KSP mods once I started modding. Before my forays into TURD, I had a planet pack that I was working on, but a lot of my work built on Spectra, made defunct by volumetric clouds, and I was running into difficulties figuring out how to do Parallax terrain scatters. By the time I started actually releasing mods, I was hardly playing, but instead pouring most of the time I would have spent playing into modding. And that was at the beginning of summer. So I'm kind of burnt out myself, but now that I've taken time off, worked on some Christmas shopping, and started to get some free time, I intend to start chipping away at it again. The main problem is, I need to first do a big overhaul and look at all the parts, see which have glitchy variants, see which are complete, which are not, as well as recounting the parts entirely, since there's several that seem to have been missed. While I'm doing that I planned to take more screenshots of the parts to use on the wiki to illustrate what's actually done. As much as I want to hit that 60% parts threshold, I have to recalculate everything to even figure out how far away it actually is, so the groundwork must first be laid. And, unfortunately for all of y'all, I've decided that I have to actually start playing KSP again a little bit to reignite the fire in my heart for making mods in general, and I plan to even dedicate some of my time to some of the many (non recolor) mods I've wanted to make. I fear that time may be short for our community, since the forums near-death-experience in October, and the fact that we are only really 'promised' a 6 month extension on their life overall (about 4-5 months left on that counter now), things don't look good. Some unknown company owns the forums, and may or may not see fit to continue paying to maintain them past that marker, and if the activity on spacedock, on reddit ksp boards, on steam is any indication, the death of the forums means a decrease in KSP activity, period. So I'm gonna be real here: at the pace we were going at first, with 4 contributors all working together, we were easily going to finish this project before the end of the year. But, like I said, people get busy, and do to the amorphous nature of the project nobody was really expected to be contributing anything, it was more of us all working towards a common and venerable goal for the common kerbal good than us demanding something of one another. At this point, there's just no way. I do truly hope that the others come back, or maybe even that the adventurous among you forumgoers decides to give making TURD configs a whirl, but regardless I'm going to continue working on this project, just at a more measured pace. I worry that we only have until about next May or so before we lose the forums, so I have a lot of unfinished business between now and then.. and unfortunately, not all of it is RestockRecolour or even TURD for that matter. And hoo hoo boy, do I ever have a backlog of TURDs to do beyond RestockRecolour, there's quite a few of them, not only the ones I've already completed (sloppily) that need polishing and uploading to SpaceDock, but the many now in line in my FelotaProject thread. It's my understanding that PyjackMeat's work was already integrated into the RestockRecolour Project, but I will take a look and make sure. If they aren't I will integrate them. That is, unfortunately, a common problem. Several parts have that glitch. Not exactly sure of the cause but my gut feeling is that it happens when a config doesn't fully account for variants with different texture files. Part of my next phase of this project will be making note of all the parts doing that. The next part will be fixing it, part by part. I'll see what I can do, seems reasonable. However the Restock version has lots of knobs and dodads and such on it, so results may vary. Thanks again for your patience everyone. If I cannot push at least a small update to the Git this evening before work, it will be done tomorrow morning. I just need to get myself back in the swing of things.
  3. Hey, I think both of those mods are great.. it's gonna take me quite some time because of how much Restock there is left to do, though. My compatriots @Spartwo @MrShelter and @PicoSpace and I are grinding away at this mod. I think I did 5 parts for it yesterday, trying to do around the same number today. Anyways, that means if you happen to figure it out in the next month or two and beat me to the punch, there will be no hard feelings, because there is a lot on my plate. Currently in queue for the Felota Project: * revamps of the 11 (pre)released TURDs, now made into polished TURDs, once complete each of these will show up on SpaceDock * Ministry of Space Aeronautics Division * Cold War Aerospace * Cryo Engines ** * Universal Storage 2 ** * Kerbal Foundries (partly done) * Fuji (mostly complete) * Grounded (partly done) * Kerbonov (mostly complete) (based off of @PyjackMeat's original configs, was going to make sure he didn't mind before releasing it) with all those parts combined, it's almost another Restock! well, maybe not.. there are an absurd number of parts in Restock. Well the point is, I really like both of those mods and think you made great suggestions. It might not be til next year, but I will try and work on those as soon as I can.
  4. I was in the process of making one, but I put it on hold to work on RestockRecolour. I plan on finishing it once that project is done.. I think I even have a screenshot of my current progress: Amazing work! Looks really good! Seems small compared to Restock! I'll be honest that was one I was once considering doing, there's just quite a few in front of it in line right now, and Restock is going to be taking up my time for the foreseeable future.
  5. Took a bit longer than I wanted, but I've been updating the images on the wiki, basically put them all together in a composite image for you guys. Please note this is NOT all the parts we've completed so far.. it's missing several very populated categories, like FuelTanks and Structural, and I may have even omitted a part or two in a given category because of human error.. after all, I made the command screenshot and only now realized I didn't include one of the parts that I personally recolored by mistake, the command chair. Well, this is just a taste. These images are available in their full resolutions on the GitHub wiki, this is just intended to give you an idea of what we've finished so far.
  6. I saw this like 2 mins after you posted it, typed up a particularly long-ass reply and then the forums 503'd on me I used to use that mod a lot! I will definitely do it, but the work still continues on RestockRecolour for the time being.. after that, MAD and your request will be my primary focus, I'll probably be touching up the other Felota Project components & getting them on CKAN/SpaceDock as well. But we are only about 46% done with Restock. Getting there! Planning on posting a bunch of screenshots & updating the wiki with screenshots for that project later in the day.
  7. Thank you @MrShelter for fixing the config problem! Works great! I'll see if I can't get a few more parts in before the end of the day, but first, I'm going to try to complete my updated MasterPartList, update the wiki, and see what I can do about consolidating the albums for the parts so far. 61 parts, guys! That's about 1/5 of the total parts, not too shabby! Makes me eager and excited to go produce some more!
  8. I'm not really sure what happened, when I merged the two configs, something went weird. I've tried a few things, to no avail.. at first thought it was a missing bracket, or some jumbled texture sets.. but every little weird thing I've fixed doesn't help. I'm afraid I'm giving up on it for tonight- I'll have to look it over line by line and figure it out, & I will do so in the morning.. unfortunately I have work rather early. It's a short shift, so I'll get right on it afterwards, still be earlier than some are up. And then a bit of coffee and me will tackle this thing. In short, I'm on it!
  9. I'll try to keep things moving in the meantime, I don't work too much in the near term. So, anyone downloaded who the most recent build from about 20 mins ago will want to re-download it momentarily, I made an error in my part of the configs, I am fixing it now and will immediately upload the fixed version once it's working. Gimme a second here, I thought I had fixed it but it's not working just yet. UPDATE: Still working on it, not sure what the error is.. but I will find it, eventually. Just taking longer than expected.
  10. Pretty dang cool to behold.. A few days ago they sent the first successful interplanetary LASER based communication to the probe going to Psyche, in Expanse parlance, a 'tight-beam', the very first one ever. Even the mundane firsts are something to celebrate but THAT was truly cinematic. I will gladly work with any format, I just can't guarantee I can learn to make my textures in the same way, but I may just try and learn your ways. Don't forget the vertical flipping thing (For those who don't know, KSP flips all DDS files vertically, so if you've got a file in that format you have to flip it or it loads upside down).. many a time have I forgotten that, loaded up KSP and been greeted with a really messy screwed up part. Anyways I just finished 7 parts, all the various types of batteries.. I will wait to push my changes since there's a different push request up on the docket (which just needs a few fixes, it looks like). Well here's a preview: I'll be away from the computer for a couple hours, then I'll try to update the wiki, add my files, etc.
  11. Well, that is the double-edged sword of such open development. We're still working on it, and we'll try and make it clearer in the future. Truth is, I don't think anyone yet knows how we'll handle those particular parts in the end, probably either using the Stock TURD files where possible (as its license would allow) or making our own, or even some combination thereof. But, as @MrShelter says, that's really a matter for another day. Got some good news.. took me forever, but I've added 6 parts! Sorry for the wait. My first contribution, hopefully I'll be able to pick up the pace a bit now that I'm mostly situated. Here's some pictures, I'll be updating the wiki momentarily: (before) & after
  12. Will do, on both counts. An efficient way to coordinate our efforts.
  13. First off, I would double check that TexturesUnlimited is installed, as nothing will work without that. The proper place for those folders should be GameData/TURD/TU_MH_AllInOne & GameData/TURD/TU_BG_AllInOne respectively. With these types of mods, if the filepath isn't exactly right, they won't work correctly.
  14. Good news... just completed the master list, and it looks like I might have overcounted the first time around I only see 317 parts! This is when I ignore any parts recolored through TURD, so what I think happened is several Aero parts have added depth masks from ReStock (so are counted on the restock page as a part that's improved) but still seem to have recoloring capability through TURD (so long as you have Stock TURD installed). So that ended up giving me a pretty inflated first count! Good news if I've ever heard it! 80 parts less than I thought! Additionally, I did notice some issues with all of the 'ground' stock parts that ReStock doesnt seem to do anything to, such as the biggest wheel or the aerospace style landing gears. They seem to have broken the filepaths to the _Paint files somehow (it's doing that thing where it will allow you to recolor the part but the entire thing is red only). Whether it's something I did or something ReStock did I am unsure, but in either case they haven't been directly patched by ReStock. So I will investigate and probably reinstall TURD just to make sure it wasn't something I did. This affects only 7 parts so far as I have noticed. So this list I've made lists the parts by their internal part name, categorized by their in-game category in the building editors. Parts that MrShelter (or eventually myself) have completed have a checkmark, parts that have variants are marked with a 'ᵛ' and the parts I mentioned above, the non-working recolors, are marked with a '*' I am DEFINITELY putting this up on the GitHub wiki in a more organized fashion, but I thought I'd put it here first in case it was helpful for anyone Oh and just note this list is missing the last batch of parts you've completed.. Sorry it's taking me so long to actually contribute, it just took me some time to get it all organized. I am however working on several parts, the 3 drone cores from Restock+, the two 'stack' style probe cores in regular Restock, and the ExternalCommandChair, for now.. that last one is kind of a test case, as I want to see if there's issues with the parts that seem to show a TU slider, which doesn't actually work. Well, that chair is one such part. I'm going to see how much of a problem that presents.
  15. Alright, an update for everyone: As of today, all of the efforts of the Felota Project are going to be focused on conquering the formidable mods ReStock & ReStock+. @MrShelter started work on this a few days ago, and the time seemed right. These mods have a combined ~400 parts. It's tough for anyone to try and tackle that many alone, and I sure didn't want to do it all by my lonesome. So, together, hopefully we can take down this beast. But in order to do that I have to quite literally switch gears. I have right now two different installs of KSP, one for playing, and one for modmaking. I basically revamped my modmaking install entirely for this, and backed up the mods I was working on in their current states. A clean install, bareboned for minimal loading times. So, unfortunately this means the following mods are presently on hold: • Kerbal Foundries This one was about 60% complete but any of the parts which had both a 'Legacy' and a 'PBR' texture option from the original mod (which is like 75% of them) displayed 2 different TU texture sliders, which cause glitchy behavior. • Grounded I actually finished all the textures for this mod, and had most of the information compiled to do the configs for the remaining parts, I even managed to get the recoloring working through the variant selector for the many parts with variants in this mod.. but for some reason that broke the ability to toggle between the stock yellow, stock white, and deluxe white variants (only yellow would show for any of the three) This mod was about 85% done. • Fuji Only two parts were not yet working in this mod. One was a variant, though, and my attempt to make it work through the variant system did not meet with much success. This mod was probably about 90% finished. • MinistryOfSpace Aeronautics Division(MAD) So far I had not yet started on this mod, other than downloading it and looking into its files a bit. Since this one was a request by @Mudhen15 I think I will put an increased priority on it versus the other mods listed above, though, once I come back to mods other than ReStock again. Since this is such a huge undertaking, it will have its own thread, so I may not post too many updates to THIS thread for awhile after this, but have some faith in me, I will be back. In the meantime, feel free to pile on requests that aren't ReStock! Preferably not Tantares or BDB or anything else with more parts than the stock game LOL
  16. The External Command seat and a few other parts are just like that, that's why I've been going through part-by-part and checking them.. Good idea to put it on the wiki, that makes more sense. I too don't really know how to use GitHub that well, I know I have to make a fork of your current build or something of that nature.. but I suppose I've always followed the philosophy of 'burning that bridge when we come to it', so I might just have to figure that out a little later. ReStock is actually kind of difficult to work with for making TURDS because its a little harder to see which parts are associated with it through PAW PartInfo, I've noticed the only way to be SURE is to check the MM patch history and see if anything is in there from ReStock. I understand this is because restock patches existing parts, but it just makes it a little trickier to identify from a thumbnail. Luckily, I have not really used ReStock that much and am so familiar with the look of the stock parts I can usually just look at them and say 'nah that one is way too cool looking to be stock'.
  17. Alright Beratna! I am all in now, I've uninstalled my old TURD Testing Instance of KSP and replaced it with one with all the fat cut out. A fresh install with nothing but ReStock & ReStock+, the Stock, Making History , and the Breaking Ground TURDs, and the one's you've put up on GitHub so far. Well, to be fair there's a few other mods there like PAWPartInfo and QuickExit (both very useful), but it's just about as barebones as it gets. The old one had every released TURD on it so I could compare anything at any time, but this time around I'll probably do that only as needed. On my last modmaking install, I also had my favorite suite of visual mods going to make sure that everything looked good in those conditions, but in practice there's not that much difference between stock graphics and the fancy ones when it comes to making these configs, so perhaps that was me being decadent. A belter has to live lean, after all. Anyhow, I've set aside the other mods I'm working on for now, shelved them in duplicate on a few thumb drives. I had attempted to finish up one of the 3 or so I've got in the pipelines, but it didn't end up working out that way, each one had its own last-minute complication. Rather than get stuck in development hell with those three, I thought it was time to cut the cord. Fuji, Grounded, and KerbalFoundries will all be completed one day. Just not right now. So if you're excited about those, don't worry, I won't abandon them. But I am going to procrastinate on them. Currently making a comprehensive list of all ReStock & ReStock+ parts yet un-recolored, split into categories for parts with variants and parts without. My plan was to first get some of the non-variants out of the way, and then once I've got a dozen or so, to start gradually working on variant parts as well. I've got some learning to do, both with @MrShelter's config-maker, and actually using Blender for this sort of thing. Up until now I had been kind of flying by the seat of my pants. I'm sure both of these tools will be helpful. Thanks for your patience, @MrShelter, and also for making this thread. I will try and get some parts uploaded as soon as possible, hopefully even tonight.
  18. Damn. Well, worth a shot, anyway. If I had a dollar for every harebrained workaround I've attempted and failed to employ making these configs, I could afford to buy KSP and all its expansions all over again, plus KSP2, Juno, and Kithack and have enough left over for breakfast, lunch, and dinner as well.
  19. I have an idea: I noticed they each have a slightly different shader specified, so I thought you could try including a 'shader = ░' for each respective material tab and see if that defines which mesh is which for TU in other words the one without shielded in its materialName would have 'shader = KSP/Emissive/Bumped Specular' and its associated texture filepaths, the shielded one would have 'shader = KSP/Bumped Specular' and its associated filepaths I'd put that one first in the material tab before all the meshes, and see if that works. Not 100% it will but its worth a shot.
  20. Those are quite simple, actually. Well, usually, that is. If you declare Stock TURD as a dependency for your recolor mod, you can just reference the appropriate files in your config. There's one I've had on the verge of doing for some time, SciencePancake, that is the perfect example of this: it's a squashed version of the stock materials bay. So to make a config for that mod, all one would have to do is reference the appropriate filepaths for @Manwith Noname 's stock recolor mod for the materials bay, you'll probably want to use TexturesUnlimited itself to give you those filepaths, meshes, etc. That's simple! Just go into GameData/000_TexturesUnlimited/ and find the general config file in that file, set the parameter for exportUVs = true go ahead and load the game with the mod in question installed once you get to the main menu, TU will have generated some files that will help you in KSP/exportedUVmaps/ You should be able to just build a config that references the stock TURD by @Manwith Noname and with that you'll be set. He did all the stock parts.
  21. Wow.. with Fuji that would have saved me a lot of effort. The texture files for that mod were a little more difficult to interpret than most. I can sometimes be unintentionally stubborn about such things.
  22. I kind of forgot about that one! I used to have a lot of the airplane cockpit mods, but unlike most folks, I used them mostly to make behemoth flying machines on Duna using kerballoons to get aloft, launching them from my mobile Extraplanetary Launchpads construction base. On a similar note, SXT was one of the mods that I've wanted to do since I started this, but it has a lot of parts- this, not so much, only about 30. But they have kind of a similar aeronautical-stock vibe. I will definitely add that one to the list, but (full disclosure) I've been piling a lot onto my plate of late and it probably will take awhile. I was planning on trying to focus my efforts on ReStock & ReStock+, (but that being said, the way I've been doing these configs is both scatterbrained and chaotic- if I run into a lot of problems with one mod, often times I switch gears and work on another in my frustration). So there is potential that I might be able to work it in, but again, it will probably take time.
  23. Awesome! I will analyze this more completely tomorrow, I have no doubt it will teach me something new Admittedly I've never used Blender so far, believe it or not, so that part will probably be quite informative!
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