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  1. I am trying to put together a visual mod pack, and I am confused about the relationship between: -Spectra -Scatterer -EVE redux -Blackrack volumetric clouds How do these mods differ from each other? Does it make sense to install them all at once, or will that result in redundancies or inconsistencies? What is the best combination to use, in your opinion, if performance is no object? I am already planning to use Parallax 2, and understand that it is for the ground, while the four above are for the atmospheres and views from space.
  2. I think there is a mistake in how this mod currently implements Habitation. All the documentation in the GitHub Wiki suggests that @RoverDude intends a Kerbal-Month to represent 30 Kerbin days, or 180 hours. For example: However, a Kerbin month is set as equal to one revolution of the Mun, which is 38.6 hours or ~6.43 Kerbin days, not 30 Kerbin days. See the Time page of the KSP wiki: The result is that a single-seat pod, which defaults to 0.25 Kerbal-Months of habitation, provides only 0.25*38.6 = 9.65 hours of Habitation. This is documented in the wiki as one Kerbin week (I guess because Earth months are ~4 weeks long), but actually only represents 1.6 Kerbin days. It seems to me that all the Habitation values are currently less that 1/4 of what RoverDude intends due to this (very understandable) confusion. This does not affect Supplies, EC, or EVA time because those are all handled in seconds instead of Kerbal-Months. My suggestion is to either change to Habitation to work in seconds to avoid the vicissitudes of Kerbin time, or to change the number of Kerbal-Months of Habitation provided by each seat so that seats provide 7 Kerbin days (RoverDude's understanding of 0.25 Kerbin months) instead of 1.6 Kerbin days.
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