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Everything posted by BingBongTheDoc

  1. Hello KSP Community, I hope this message finds you well. I am currently facing an issue with the alignment of internal cockpits and external cockpit parts in Kerbal Space Program, and I am seeking your expertise and advice to resolve it. Problem Description: The internal cockpit mesh is misaligned with the external cockpit part mesh. This misalignment causes parts of the external cockpit to be visible inside the IVA, leading to a less immersive experience. Specific Help Needed: Alignment Adjustments: Guidance on how to accurately align the internal cockpit model with the external part using configuration files, Blender, or Unity. Best Practices: Recommendations for best practices when adjusting IVA models to ensure proper alignment without affecting other aspects of the game. Tools and Plugins: Information on any additional tools or plugins that might simplify this process. Environment: KSP Version: 1.12.5 Mods: Additional Context: I have some experience with both Blender and Unity, so I am open to using either tool if it provides a more effective solution. My goal is to achieve a properly aligned IVA that enhances the overall gameplay experience. Any advice, resources, or detailed steps you can provide would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance for your time and assistance. Best regards, BingBongTheDoc
  2. Not much, loaded the game, tried to launch a rocket to mun, had 20 fps, closed the game :-( wish the game could run in my machine... but i had made like 1 mun landing and put like 3 sats around kerbin to help with comms
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