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Everything posted by Fr0zeN

  1. 你好!我在CKAN上安装了KIU全套,其中CZ2F和shenzhou提示我缺少KCHS.SZ.OrbitalModule。在GameData\KIU\KIU_Chinese_Human_Spaceflight_pack\ShenZhou\Part下我找到了OrbitalModule.cfg和OrbitalModule.mu,但是游戏里的建造界面找不到。我先删除了之前手动安装的ICSP,KIU系列的mod是用CKAN自动安装的,反复删除安装多次仍然没有轨道舱组件。我的游戏版本是1.12.5,KIU版本1.0.5,请问该如何解决?感谢! Hello! I've installed the whole KIU mods on CKAN and CZ2F and shenzhou ships reminds me of lacking KCHS.SZ.OrbitalModule. I'm sure that the OrbitalModule.cfg and OrbitalModule.mu exist in GameData\KIU\KIU_Chinese_Human_Spaceflight_pack\ShenZhou\Part, but they can't be found in the game. I deleted ICSP mods which I installed them manually. The KIU mods are installed by CKAN automatically. I deleted KIU and reinstalled them and the orbital module still can't be used. My KSP version is 1.12.5, KIU version 1.0.5. How to solve it? Tysm ! (poor English. If u have any problem when reading, reply me.) --------- 2024.06.10 update 问题已解决,可能是mod冲突。感谢! I've solved the problem. Maybe it was caused by a mod conflict.
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