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Posts posted by Av8tor8a

  1. Credit goes to the developers/maintainers of both BDA+ and AP+, both of which use  a CC BY-NC-SA license.

    I have been somewhat busy making configs for BDA+ equipped versions of the non-commercial AP+ cockpits. I do not intend to make a mod using these configs due to the simplicity of copying/pasting and making slight edits. More could be done in terms of adding an IRST and a gun to some of the parts, but decided to shy away from those due to not knowing how to model a new part that adding a gun would more/less warrant. If anyone here wants to make new models for these parts, do let me know and I'll see about adding IRST and gun modules and including the appropriate ammo, and releasing these parts as a mod.

    Feel free to modify the below configs to your liking, there are no real changes to anything. Anyway, simply copy/paste the config files for the 144cockpit, falconcockpit, fightercockpit, galaxycockpit, and herculescockpit, then add the following:


    	name = flatpackcockpit
    	module = Part
    	author = Av8tor8a
    		model = AirplanePlus/Parts/Command/144cockpit/model
    		texture = placeholder, Squad/Parts/FuelTank/mk2FuselageShort/mk2FuselageShort
    	rescaleFactor = 1
    	node_stack_bottom = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 1
    	attachRules = 1,0,1,1,0
    	CoMOffset = 0.0, 0.5, 0.0
    		name = 144Internal
    	TechRequired = supersonicFlight
    	entryCost = 20000
    	cost = 3400
    	category = Pods
    	subcategory = 0
    	title = Flatpack Non-Commercial Cockpit
    	manufacturer = Kerbal Standard
    	description = Fits not two but only one Kerbal! Wait, what? I don't know if that's a good thing. But it should be lighter, right?
    	bulkheadProfiles = mk2
    	tags = aero aircraft cmg command control fighter mig ?eva fly gyro ?iva moment pilot plane react space stab steer torque
    	mass = 1.75
    	dragModelType = default
    	maximum_drag = 0.1
    	minimum_drag = 0.1
    	angularDrag = 2
    	crashTolerance = 45
    	maxTemp = 1400
    	skinMaxTemp = 2500
    	emissiveConstant = 0.8
    	vesselType = Plane
    	CrewCapacity = 1
    	breakingForce = 50
    	breakingTorque = 50
    		name = IntakeAir
    		amount = 2
    		maxAmount = 2
    		name = ModuleCommand
    		minimumCrew = 1
    		name = FlagDecal
    		textureQuadName = flagDecal
    		name = ElectricCharge
    		amount = 150
    		maxAmount = 150
    		name = ModuleReactionWheel
    		actionGUIName = Toggle RW
    		PitchTorque = 15
    		YawTorque = 15
    		RollTorque = 15
    			name = ElectricCharge
    			rate = 0.5
    		name = ModuleScienceExperiment
    		experimentID = crewReport
    		experimentActionName = Crew Report
    		resetActionName = Discard Crew Report
    		reviewActionName = Review Report
    		useStaging = False
    		useActionGroups = True
    		hideUIwhenUnavailable = True
    		rerunnable = True
    		xmitDataScalar = 1.0
    		usageReqMaskInternal = 5
    		usageReqMaskExternal = -1
    		name = ModuleScienceContainer
    		reviewActionName = Review Stored Data
    		storeActionName = Store Experiments
    		evaOnlyStorage = True
    		storageRange = 3.0
    		name = ModuleAnimateGeneric
    		animationName = 144light
    		actionGUIName = Toggle Lights
    		defaultActionGroup = Light
    		startEventGUIName = Lights On
    		endEventGUIName = Lights Off
    		name = ModuleLiftingSurface
    		useInternalDragModel = False
    		deflectionLiftCoeff = 0.25
    		dragAtMaxAoA = 0.1
    		dragAtMinAoA = 0.03
    		name = ModuleDataTransmitter
    		antennaType = INTERNAL
    		packetInterval = 1.0
    		packetSize = 2
    		packetResourceCost = 12.0
    		requiredResource = ElectricCharge
    		antennaPower = 5000
    		optimumRange = 2500
    		packetFloor = .1
    		packetCeiling = 5
    		name = ModuleResourceIntake
    		resourceName = IntakeAir
    		checkForOxygen = true
    		area = 0.0031
    		intakeSpeed = 15
    		intakeTransformName = intakeTransform
    			key = 1 1 0 0
    			key = 1.5 0.9 -0.4312553 -0.4312553
    			key = 2.5 0.45 -0.5275364 -0.5275364
    			key = 3.5 0.1 0 0
    		name = ModuleRadar
    		// -- Section: General Configuration --
    		radarName = Flatpack Radome		// if left empty part.title is used, but advised to set this to a nice printable text
    		rwrThreatType = 1				// IMPORTANT, please set correctly:
    							  // 0 = SAM site radar
    							  // 1 = Fighter radar (airborne)
    							  // 2 = AWACS radar (airborne)
    							  // 5 = Detection radar (ground/ship based)
    							  // 6 = SONAR (ship/submarine based)
    		rotationTransformName = scanRotation
    		//turretID = 0					// if needed
    		resourceDrain = 0.825				// change to higher values for more capable radars, e.g AESA
    		// -- Section: Capabilities --
    		omnidirectional = false				// false: boresight scan radar
    		directionalFieldOfView = 120			// for omni and boresight
    		//boresightFOV = 10				// for boresight only
    		//scanRotationSpeed = 240				// degress per second
    		//lockRotationSpeed = 120				// only relevant if canLock
    		lockRotationAngle = 4
    		showDirectionWhileScan = true			// can show target direction on radar screen. False: radar echos displayed as block only (no direction)
    		multiLockFOV = 40				// only relevant if canLock
    		//lockAttemptFOV = 2				// only relevant if canLock
    		maxLocks = 3					//how many targets can be locked/tracked simultaneously. only relevant if canLock
    		canScan = true					// scanning/detecting targets (volume search)
    		canLock = true					// locking/tracking targets (fire control)
    		canTrackWhileScan = true			// continue scanning while tracking a locked target
    		canReceiveRadarData = true			// can work as passive data receiver
    		minSignalThreshold = 80				// DEPRECATED, NO LONGER USED! use detection float curve!
    		minLockedSignalThreshold = 100			// DEPRECATED, NO LONGER USED! use locktrack float curve!
            radarGroundClutterFactor = 0.1			// how much is the radar efficiency reduced to by ground clutter/look-down?
                                    // 0.0 = reduced to 0% (=IMPOSSIBLE to detect ground targets)
                                    // 1.0 = fully efficient (no difference between air & ground targets)
                                    // default if unset: 0.25
                                    // Ground targets, especially ships, already have a massively larger RCS than fighters, hence
                                    // any ground clutter factor >0.25 is to be considered very good, making an efficient surface/horizon search radar.
                                    // values >1.0 are possible, meaning the radar is MORE efficient during look down than vs air targets.
    			// floatcurve to define at what range (km) which minimum cross section (m^2) can be detected.
    			// this defines both min/max range of the radar, and sensitivity/efficiency
    			// it is recommended to define an "assured detection range", at which all craft are detected regardless
    			//     of their rcs. This is achieved by using a minrcs value of zero, thus detecting everything.
    			//        key = distance	rcs
    					  key = 0.0	0
    					  key = 5	0	//between 0 and 5 km the min cross section is 0, thus assured detection of everything
    					  key = 10	5   //
    					  key = 20 15	//
    					  key = 35 25	//maxrange of 35km
    			  // same as detectionCurve, just for locking/tracking purpose
    			  // ATTENTION: DO NOT USE an "assured locking range" here, as this would render lock-breaking
    			  //   ECM-jammers & chaff completely ineffective!!
    			  //      key = distance	rcs
    					  key = 0.0	0
    					  key = 5	5	//
    					  key = 10	7   //
    					  key = 20 20	//
    					  key = 35 35	//maxrange of 35km
    		name = BDModulePilotAI
    		name = MissileFire
    		name = RadarWarningReceiver
    		omniDetection = true
    		name = ModuleWingCommander
    	name = ModuleECMJammer
    	// Jammer capabilities:
    	alwaysOn = true // can be enabled/disabled, or is always on
    					// Set this to true for "stealth" jammers that are integrated into Cockpits and serve
    					// to reduce only the radar cross section, but without providing another jamming effect!
    	resourceDrain = 5		// resource/sec. Set this higher for more capabale jammers.
    	resourceName = ElectricCharge	// Resource used by the jammer. ElectricCharge by default
    	jammerStrength = 1200		// this is a factor (in relation to a vessels base radar cross section) how much the crafts DETECTABILITY is INCREASED(!) when the jammer is active
    	lockBreaker = true		// true: jammer serves to break radar locks (default: true)
    	lockBreakerStrength = 300	// factor (in relation to a vessels base radar cross section) how strong the lockbreaking effect is
    	rcsReduction = false		// jammer reduces a crafts radar cross section, simulating 2nd generation stealth (radar obsorbent coating)
    	rcsReductionFactor = 0		// factor for radar cross section: from 0 (craft is invisible) to 1 (no effect) Greater than 1 will confer a RCS malus (craft extra visible)
    	cooldownInterval = -1		// if > 0, cooldown time before the device can be triggered again


    	name = vipercockpit
    	module = Part
    	author = Av8tor8a
    		model = AirplanePlus/Parts/Command/falconcockpit/model
    		texture = placeholder, Squad/Parts/FuelTank/mk2FuselageShort/mk2FuselageShort
    	rescaleFactor = 1
    	node_stack_bottom = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 1
    	attachRules = 1,0,1,1,0
    	CoMOffset = 0.0, 0.5, 0.0
    		name = falconInternal
    	TechRequired = supersonicFlight
    	entryCost = 20000
    	cost = 3500
    	category = Pods
    	subcategory = 0
    	title = Viper Cockpit
    	manufacturer = Kerbal Standard
    	description = Fits not two but only one Kerbal! Wait, what? I don't know if that's a good thing. But it should be lighter, right?
    	bulkheadProfiles = mk2
    	tags = aero aircraft cmg command control fighter falcon ?eva fly gyro ?iva moment pilot plane react space stab steer torque
    	mass = 1.5
    	dragModelType = default
    	maximum_drag = 0.1
    	minimum_drag = 0.1
    	angularDrag = 2
    	crashTolerance = 45
    	maxTemp = 1400
    	skinMaxTemp = 2500
    	emissiveConstant = 0.8
    	vesselType = Plane
    	CrewCapacity = 1
    	breakingForce = 50
    	breakingTorque = 50
    		name = IntakeAir
    		amount = 2
    		maxAmount = 2
    		name = ElectricCharge
    		amount = 150
    		maxAmount = 150
    		name = ModuleCommand
    		minimumCrew = 1
    		name = FlagDecal
    		textureQuadName = flagDecal
    		name = ModuleReactionWheel
    		actionGUIName = Toggle RW
    		PitchTorque = 15
    		YawTorque = 15
    		RollTorque = 15
    			name = ElectricCharge
    			rate = 0.5
    		name = ModuleScienceExperiment
    		experimentID = crewReport
    		experimentActionName = Crew Report
    		resetActionName = Discard Crew Report
    		reviewActionName = Review Report
    		useStaging = False
    		useActionGroups = True
    		hideUIwhenUnavailable = True
    		rerunnable = True
    		xmitDataScalar = 1.0
    		usageReqMaskInternal = 5
    		usageReqMaskExternal = -1
    		name = ModuleScienceContainer
    		reviewActionName = Review Stored Data
    		storeActionName = Store Experiments
    		evaOnlyStorage = True
    		storageRange = 3.0
    		name = ModuleAnimateGeneric
    		animationName = falconlight
    		actionGUIName = Toggle Lights
    		defaultActionGroup = Light
    		startEventGUIName = Lights On
    		endEventGUIName = Lights Off
    		name = ModuleLiftingSurface
    		useInternalDragModel = False
    		deflectionLiftCoeff = 0.25
    		dragAtMaxAoA = 0.1
    		dragAtMinAoA = 0.03
    		name = ModuleDataTransmitter
    		antennaType = INTERNAL
    		packetInterval = 1.0
    		packetSize = 2
    		packetResourceCost = 12.0
    		requiredResource = ElectricCharge
    		antennaPower = 5000
    		optimumRange = 2500
    		packetFloor = .1
    		packetCeiling = 5
    		name = ModuleResourceIntake
    		resourceName = IntakeAir
    		checkForOxygen = true
    		area = 0.0031
    		intakeSpeed = 15
    		intakeTransformName = intakeTransform
    			key = 1 1 0 0
    			key = 1.5 0.9 -0.4312553 -0.4312553
    			key = 2.5 0.45 -0.5275364 -0.5275364
    			key = 3.5 0.1 0 0
    		name = ModuleRadar
    		// -- Section: General Configuration --
    		radarName = Viper Radome		// if left empty part.title is used, but advised to set this to a nice printable text
    		rwrThreatType = 1				// IMPORTANT, please set correctly:
    							  // 0 = SAM site radar
    							  // 1 = Fighter radar (airborne)
    							  // 2 = AWACS radar (airborne)
    							  // 5 = Detection radar (ground/ship based)
    							  // 6 = SONAR (ship/submarine based)
    		rotationTransformName = scanRotation
    		//turretID = 0					// if needed
    		resourceDrain = 0.825				// change to higher values for more capable radars, e.g AESA
    		// -- Section: Capabilities --
    		omnidirectional = false				// false: boresight scan radar
    		directionalFieldOfView = 120			// for omni and boresight
    		//boresightFOV = 10				// for boresight only
    		//scanRotationSpeed = 240				// degress per second
    		//lockRotationSpeed = 120				// only relevant if canLock
    		lockRotationAngle = 4
    		showDirectionWhileScan = true			// can show target direction on radar screen. False: radar echos displayed as block only (no direction)
    		multiLockFOV = 40				// only relevant if canLock
    		//lockAttemptFOV = 2				// only relevant if canLock
    		maxLocks = 3					//how many targets can be locked/tracked simultaneously. only relevant if canLock
    		canScan = true					// scanning/detecting targets (volume search)
    		canLock = true					// locking/tracking targets (fire control)
    		canTrackWhileScan = true			// continue scanning while tracking a locked target
    		canReceiveRadarData = true			// can work as passive data receiver
    		minSignalThreshold = 80				// DEPRECATED, NO LONGER USED! use detection float curve!
    		minLockedSignalThreshold = 100			// DEPRECATED, NO LONGER USED! use locktrack float curve!
            radarGroundClutterFactor = 0.1			// how much is the radar efficiency reduced to by ground clutter/look-down?
                                    // 0.0 = reduced to 0% (=IMPOSSIBLE to detect ground targets)
                                    // 1.0 = fully efficient (no difference between air & ground targets)
                                    // default if unset: 0.25
                                    // Ground targets, especially ships, already have a massively larger RCS than fighters, hence
                                    // any ground clutter factor >0.25 is to be considered very good, making an efficient surface/horizon search radar.
                                    // values >1.0 are possible, meaning the radar is MORE efficient during look down than vs air targets.
    			// floatcurve to define at what range (km) which minimum cross section (m^2) can be detected.
    			// this defines both min/max range of the radar, and sensitivity/efficiency
    			// it is recommended to define an "assured detection range", at which all craft are detected regardless
    			//     of their rcs. This is achieved by using a minrcs value of zero, thus detecting everything.
    			//        key = distance	rcs
    					  key = 0.0	0
    					  key = 5	0	//between 0 and 5 km the min cross section is 0, thus assured detection of everything
    					  key = 10	5   //
    					  key = 20 15	//
    					  key = 35 25	//maxrange of 35km
    			  // same as detectionCurve, just for locking/tracking purpose
    			  // ATTENTION: DO NOT USE an "assured locking range" here, as this would render lock-breaking
    			  //   ECM-jammers & chaff completely ineffective!!
    			  //      key = distance	rcs
    					  key = 0.0	0
    					  key = 5	5	//
    					  key = 10	7   //
    					  key = 20 20	//
    					  key = 35 35	//maxrange of 35km
    		name = BDModulePilotAI
    		name = MissileFire
    		name = RadarWarningReceiver
    		omniDetection = true
    		name = ModuleWingCommander


    	name = rhinocockpit
    	module = Part
    	author = Av8tor8a
    		model = AirplanePlus/Parts/Command/fightercockpit/model
    	rescaleFactor = 1
    	node_stack_bottom = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0
    	attachRules = 1,0,1,1,0
    	CoMOffset = 0.0, 0.5, 0.0
    		name =  fighterInternal
    	TechRequired = supersonicFlight
    	entryCost = 2600
    	cost = 1650
    	category = Pods
    	subcategory = 0
    	title = Rhino Non-Commercial Cockpit
    	manufacturer = Kerbal Standard
    	description = Designed mostly for non-commercial crafts. The box it came from states that its recommended use is for training kerbals. That's why there are two seats on the cockpit. One for the trainer and another for the trainee.
    	bulkheadProfiles = size1
    	tags = aero aircraft cmg command control fighter hornet ?eva fly gyro ?iva moment pilot plane react space stab steer torque helicopter
    	mass = 0.9
    	dragModelType = default
    	maximum_drag = 0.08
    	minimum_drag = 0.08
    	angularDrag = 1
    	crashTolerance = 40
    	maxTemp = 1100
    	skinMaxTemp = 2000
    	vesselType = Plane
    	CrewCapacity = 2
    		name = ElectricCharge
    		amount = 50
    		maxAmount = 50
    		name = ModuleCommand
    		minimumCrew = 1
    		name = ModuleReactionWheel
    		PitchTorque = 10
    		YawTorque = 10
    		RollTorque = 10
    			name = ElectricCharge
    			rate = 0.3
    		name = ModuleScienceExperiment
    		experimentID = crewReport
    		experimentActionName = Crew Report
    		resetActionName = Discard Crew Report
    		reviewActionName = Review Report
    		useStaging = False
    		useActionGroups = True
    		hideUIwhenUnavailable = True
    		rerunnable = True
    		xmitDataScalar = 1.0
    		usageReqMaskInternal = 5
    		usageReqMaskExternal = -1
    		name = ModuleScienceContainer
    		reviewActionName = Review Stored Data
    		storeActionName = Store Experiments
    		evaOnlyStorage = True
    		storageRange = 1.3
    		name = ModuleAnimateGeneric
    		animationName = fighterlight
    		actionGUIName = Toggle Lights
    		startEventGUIName = Lights On
    		endEventGUIName = Lights Off
    		name = FlagDecal
    		textureQuadName = flagDecal
    		name = ModuleRadar
    		// -- Section: General Configuration --
    		radarName = Rhino Radome		// if left empty part.title is used, but advised to set this to a nice printable text
    		rwrThreatType = 1				// IMPORTANT, please set correctly:
    							  // 0 = SAM site radar
    							  // 1 = Fighter radar (airborne)
    							  // 2 = AWACS radar (airborne)
    							  // 5 = Detection radar (ground/ship based)
    							  // 6 = SONAR (ship/submarine based)
    		rotationTransformName = scanRotation
    		//turretID = 0					// if needed
    		resourceDrain = 0.825				// change to higher values for more capable radars, e.g AESA
    		// -- Section: Capabilities --
    		omnidirectional = false				// false: boresight scan radar
    		directionalFieldOfView = 120			// for omni and boresight
    		//boresightFOV = 10				// for boresight only
    		//scanRotationSpeed = 240				// degress per second
    		//lockRotationSpeed = 120				// only relevant if canLock
    		lockRotationAngle = 4
    		showDirectionWhileScan = true			// can show target direction on radar screen. False: radar echos displayed as block only (no direction)
    		multiLockFOV = 40				// only relevant if canLock
    		//lockAttemptFOV = 2				// only relevant if canLock
    		maxLocks = 3					//how many targets can be locked/tracked simultaneously. only relevant if canLock
    		canScan = true					// scanning/detecting targets (volume search)
    		canLock = true					// locking/tracking targets (fire control)
    		canTrackWhileScan = true			// continue scanning while tracking a locked target
    		canReceiveRadarData = true			// can work as passive data receiver
    		minSignalThreshold = 80				// DEPRECATED, NO LONGER USED! use detection float curve!
    		minLockedSignalThreshold = 100			// DEPRECATED, NO LONGER USED! use locktrack float curve!
            radarGroundClutterFactor = 0.1			// how much is the radar efficiency reduced to by ground clutter/look-down?
                                    // 0.0 = reduced to 0% (=IMPOSSIBLE to detect ground targets)
                                    // 1.0 = fully efficient (no difference between air & ground targets)
                                    // default if unset: 0.25
                                    // Ground targets, especially ships, already have a massively larger RCS than fighters, hence
                                    // any ground clutter factor >0.25 is to be considered very good, making an efficient surface/horizon search radar.
                                    // values >1.0 are possible, meaning the radar is MORE efficient during look down than vs air targets.
    			// floatcurve to define at what range (km) which minimum cross section (m^2) can be detected.
    			// this defines both min/max range of the radar, and sensitivity/efficiency
    			// it is recommended to define an "assured detection range", at which all craft are detected regardless
    			//     of their rcs. This is achieved by using a minrcs value of zero, thus detecting everything.
    			//        key = distance	rcs
    					  key = 0.0	0
    					  key = 5	0	//between 0 and 5 km the min cross section is 0, thus assured detection of everything
    					  key = 10	5   //
    					  key = 20 15	//
    					  key = 35 25	//maxrange of 35km
    			  // same as detectionCurve, just for locking/tracking purpose
    			  // ATTENTION: DO NOT USE an "assured locking range" here, as this would render lock-breaking
    			  //   ECM-jammers & chaff completely ineffective!!
    			  //      key = distance	rcs
    					  key = 0.0	0
    					  key = 5	5	//
    					  key = 10	7   //
    					  key = 20 20	//
    					  key = 35 35	//maxrange of 35km
    		name = BDModulePilotAI
    		name = MissileFire
    		name = RadarWarningReceiver
    		omniDetection = true
    		name = ModuleWingCommander


    	name = galaxy
    	module = Part
    	author = Av8tor8a
    	mesh = model.mu
    	rescaleFactor = 1
    	node_stack_bottom = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 3
    	attachRules = 1,0,1,1,0
    		name = galaxyInternal
    	TechRequired = heavyAerodynamics
    	entryCost = 50000
    	cost = 12500
    	category = Pods
    	subcategory = 0
    	title = Galaxy Cockpit
    	manufacturer = Kerbal Standard
    	description = If you ever needed to put cargo through the front of your aircraft or have such limited space that the only option of putting cargo in is through the front, then this is the cockpit for you.
    	bulkheadProfiles = mk3
    	tags = aero aircraft cmg command control ?eva fly galaxy gyro ?iva moment pilot plane react stab steer torque
    	mass = 3.0
    	dragModelType = default
    	maximum_drag = 0.1
    	minimum_drag = 0.1
    	angularDrag = 2
    	crashTolerance = 50
    	maxTemp = 1500
    	skinMaxTemp = 2700
    	emissiveConstant = 0.9
    	fuelCrossFeed = True
    	vesselType = Plane
    	CrewCapacity = 6
    	breakingForce = 300
    	breakingTorque = 300
    		name = ElectricCharge
    		amount = 500
    		maxAmount = 500
    		name = ModuleCommand
    		minimumCrew = 1
    		name = ModuleReactionWheel
    		actionGUIName = Toggle RW
    		PitchTorque = 40
    		YawTorque = 40
    		RollTorque = 20
    			name = ElectricCharge
    			rate = 1.0
    		name = ModuleScienceExperiment
    		experimentID = crewReport
    		experimentActionName = Crew Report
    		resetActionName = Discard Crew Report
    		reviewActionName = Review Report
    		useStaging = False
    		useActionGroups = True
    		hideUIwhenUnavailable = True
    		rerunnable = True
    		xmitDataScalar = 1.0
    		usageReqMaskInternal = 5
    		usageReqMaskExternal = -1
    		name = ModuleScienceContainer
    		reviewActionName = Review Stored Data
    		storeActionName = Store Experiments
    		evaOnlyStorage = True
    		storageRange = 4.0
    //	MODULE
    //	{
    //		name = FlagDecal
    //		textureQuadName = FLAG
    //	}
    		name = ModuleAnimateGeneric
    		animationName = galaxylight
    		actionGUIName = Toggle Lights
    		defaultActionGroup = Light
    		startEventGUIName = Lights On
    		endEventGUIName = Lights Off
    		name = ModuleDataTransmitter
    		antennaType = INTERNAL
    		packetInterval = 1.0
    		packetSize = 2
    		packetResourceCost = 12.0
    		requiredResource = ElectricCharge
    		antennaPower = 5000
    		optimumRange = 2500
    		packetFloor = .1
    		packetCeiling = 5
    		name = ModuleAnimateGeneric
    		animationName = openbay
    		startEventGUIName = Open
    		endEventGUIName = Close
    		actionGUIName = Toggle Ramp
    		allowDeployLimit = true
    		revClampDirection = true
    		revClampSpeed = false
    		revClampPercent = false
    		name = BDModulePilotAI
    		name = MissileFire
    		name = RadarWarningReceiver
    		omniDetection = true
    		name = ModuleWingCommander


    	name = herccockpit
    	module = Part
    	author = Av8tor8a
    		model = AirplanePlus/Parts/Command/herculescockpit/model
    	rescaleFactor = 1
    	node_stack_bottom = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 2
    	attachRules = 1,0,1,1,0
    	CoMOffset = 0.0, 1.0, 0.0
    		name =  herculesInternal
    	TechRequired = supersonicFlight
    	entryCost = 2600
    	cost = 3750
    	category = Pods
    	subcategory = 0
    	title = Herc Non-Commercial Cockpit
    	manufacturer = Kerbal Standard
    	description = Carries up to 3 Kerbals, due to a more capable interior. The Non-Commercial Cockpit is a far cousin of the Commercial Cockpit, modified to have a little bit more visibility. It is also slightly more sturdy with more reinforced materials, adding a little bit more to the weight but we are not going to fat shame a cockpit, it's the modern Kerbal Century.
    	bulkheadProfiles = size2
    	tags = airline aero aircraft c-130 cargo cmg command control ?eva fly gyro ?iva moment pilot plane react space stab steer torque
    	mass = 2.75
    	dragModelType = default
    	maximum_drag = 0.08
    	minimum_drag = 0.08
    	angularDrag = 1
    	crashTolerance = 50
    	maxTemp = 1100
    	skinMaxTemp = 2000
    	vesselType = Plane
    	CrewCapacity = 3
    		name = ElectricCharge
    		amount = 50
    		maxAmount = 50
    		name = ModuleCommand
    		minimumCrew = 1
    		name = ModuleReactionWheel
    		PitchTorque = 20
    		YawTorque = 20
    		RollTorque = 10
    			name = ElectricCharge
    			rate = 0.3
    		name = ModuleScienceExperiment
    		experimentID = crewReport
    		experimentActionName = Crew Report
    		resetActionName = Discard Crew Report
    		reviewActionName = Review Report
    		useStaging = False
    		useActionGroups = True
    		hideUIwhenUnavailable = True
    		rerunnable = True
    		xmitDataScalar = 1.0
    		usageReqMaskInternal = 5
    		usageReqMaskExternal = -1
    		name = ModuleScienceContainer
    		reviewActionName = Review Stored Data
    		storeActionName = Store Experiments
    		evaOnlyStorage = True
    		storageRange = 1.3
    //	{
    //		name = MonoPropellant
    //		amount = 15.0
    //		maxAmount = 15.0
    //	}
    		name = ModuleAnimateGeneric
    		animationName = herculeslight
    		actionGUIName = Toggle Lights
    		startEventGUIName = Lights On
    		endEventGUIName = Lights Off
    		name = FlagDecal
    		textureQuadName = flagDecal
    		name = ModuleRadar
              // -- Section: General Configuration --
              radarName = Hercules Randome
              rwrThreatType = 1
              rotationTransformName = scanRotation
              resourceDrain = 0.825
              // -- Section: Capabilities --
              omnidirectional = false
              directionalFieldOfView = 120
              lockRotationAngle = 4
              showDirectionWhileScan = true
              multiLockFOV = 40
              //lockAttemptFOV = 2
              maxLocks = 3
              canScan = true
              canLock = true
              canTrackWhileScan = true
              canReceiveRadarData = True	          
              radarGroundClutterFactor = 1.7	
    			key = 0 0 0 0
    			key = 5 0.9 0.29 0.31
    			key = 10 3 0.48 0.51
    			key = 15 5.9 0.62 0.69
    			key = 20 10 0.96 0.9
    			key = 25 14.1 0.71 0.71
    			key = 30 17.3 0.58 0.58
    			key = 35 20 0.48 0.61
    			key = 0 0 0 0
    			key = 5 0.9 0.47 0.44
    			key = 10 3.5 0.59 0.59
    			key = 15 7 0.73 0.71
    			key = 20 11 0.79 0.9
    			key = 25 16 1.05 1.05
    			key = 30 21 1.09 0.9
    			key = 35 25 0.48 0.49
    		name = BDModulePilotAI
    		name = MissileFire
    		name = RadarWarningReceiver
    		omniDetection = true
    		name = ModuleWingCommander

    I also have made configs for the viewer's cockpits. Same procedure here, but with the b29cockpit, bellcockpit, hipcockpit, hueycockpit, and oh6cockpit. some configs are lacking a targeting pod, so unless someone can step in and help, these are the current parts.


    	name = superfortresscockpit
    	module = Part
    	author = Av8tor8a
    		model = AirplanePlus/Parts/Command/b29cockpit/model
    		//texture = airbuscockpittex , AirplanePlus/Parts/Command/airbuscockpit/airbuscockpittex
    	rescaleFactor = 1
    	node_stack_bottom = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 2
    	attachRules = 1,0,1,1,0
    	CoMOffset = 0.0, 1.0, 0.0
    		name =  b29Internal
    	TechRequired = supersonicFlight
    	entryCost = 2600
    	cost = 3520
    	category = Pods
    	subcategory = 0
    	title = Superfortress Viewer's Cockpit
    	manufacturer = Kerbal Standard
    	description = Offers more room than you can imagine on the cockpit, more kerbals to fit in. Up to for crew members in the cockpit and the view is better than any. Features an almost full glass cockpit you'd think that it could just all have been glass but there is enough part stress as it is for the structural integrity it might just disassemble itself. Though the last part is not that important when in flight.
    	bulkheadProfiles = size2
    	tags = airline aero aircraft b-29 cmg command control ?eva fly gyro ?iva moment pilot plane react space stab steer superfortress torque
    	mass = 2.75
    	dragModelType = default
    	maximum_drag = 0.08
    	minimum_drag = 0.08
    	angularDrag = 1
    	crashTolerance = 30
    	maxTemp = 1100
    	skinMaxTemp = 2000
    	vesselType = Plane
    	CrewCapacity = 4
    		name = ElectricCharge
    		amount = 50
    		maxAmount = 50
    		name = ModuleCommand
    		minimumCrew = 1
    		name = ModuleReactionWheel
    		PitchTorque = 20
    		YawTorque = 20
    		RollTorque = 10
    			name = ElectricCharge
    			rate = 0.3
    		name = ModuleScienceExperiment
    		experimentID = crewReport
    		experimentActionName = Crew Report
    		resetActionName = Discard Crew Report
    		reviewActionName = Review Report
    		useStaging = False
    		useActionGroups = True
    		hideUIwhenUnavailable = True
    		rerunnable = True
    		xmitDataScalar = 1.0
    		usageReqMaskInternal = 5
    		usageReqMaskExternal = -1
    		name = ModuleScienceContainer
    		reviewActionName = Review Stored Data
    		storeActionName = Store Experiments
    		evaOnlyStorage = True
    		storageRange = 1.3
    		name = ModuleAnimateGeneric
    		animationName = b29light
    		actionGUIName = Toggle Lights
    		startEventGUIName = Lights On
    		endEventGUIName = Lights Off
    		name = FlagDecal
    		textureQuadName = flagDecal
    		name = BDModulePilotAI
    		name = MissileFire
    		name = RadarWarningReceiver
    		omniDetection = true
    		name = ModuleWingCommander


    	name = kiowacockpit
    	module = Part
    	author = Av8tor8a
    		model = AirplanePlus/Parts/Command/bellcockpit/model
    	rescaleFactor = 1
    	node_stack_bottom = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0
    	attachRules = 1,0,1,1,0
    	CoMOffset = 0.0, 0.5, 0.0
    		name =  bellInternal
    	TechRequired = aviation
    	entryCost = 2600
    	cost = 1100
    	category = Pods
    	subcategory = 0
    	title = Kiowa Cockpit
    	manufacturer = Kerbal Standard
    	description = You know what is wrong with Kerbals these days? Everyone is obsessed with speed. Take a minute to admire that view with this glassy and classy cockpit.
    	bulkheadProfiles = size1
    	tags = aero aircraft bell cmg command control ?eva fly gyro ?iva moment pilot plane react space stab steer torque helicopter
    	mass = 1
    	dragModelType = default
    	maximum_drag = 0.08
    	minimum_drag = 0.08
    	angularDrag = 1
    	crashTolerance = 40
    	maxTemp = 1100
    	skinMaxTemp = 2000
    	vesselType = Plane
    	CrewCapacity = 2
    		name = ElectricCharge
    		amount = 50
    		maxAmount = 50
    		name = ModuleCommand
    		minimumCrew = 1
    		name = ModuleReactionWheel
    		PitchTorque = 10
    		YawTorque = 10
    		RollTorque = 10
    			name = ElectricCharge
    			rate = 0.3
    		name = ModuleScienceExperiment
    		experimentID = crewReport
    		experimentActionName = Crew Report
    		resetActionName = Discard Crew Report
    		reviewActionName = Review Report
    		useStaging = False
    		useActionGroups = True
    		hideUIwhenUnavailable = True
    		rerunnable = True
    		xmitDataScalar = 1.0
    		usageReqMaskInternal = 5
    		usageReqMaskExternal = -1
    		name = ModuleScienceContainer
    		reviewActionName = Review Stored Data
    		storeActionName = Store Experiments
    		evaOnlyStorage = True
    		storageRange = 1.3
    		name = ModuleAnimateGeneric
    		animationName = light_on
    		actionGUIName = Toggle Lights
    		startEventGUIName = Lights On
    		endEventGUIName = Lights Off
    		name = BDModuleVTOLAI
    		name = MissileFire
    		name = RadarWarningReceiver
    		omniDetection = true
    		name = ModuleWingCommander


    	name = hazecockpit
    	module = Part
    	author = blackheart612
    		model = AirplanePlus/Parts/Command/hipcockpit/model
    	rescaleFactor = 1
    	node_stack_bottom = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 2
    	attachRules = 1,0,1,1,0
    	CoMOffset = 0.0, 1.0, 0.0
    		name =  hipInternal
    	TechRequired = supersonicFlight
    	entryCost = 2600
    	cost = 3200
    	category = Pods
    	subcategory = 0
    	title = Hip Viewer's Cockpit
    	manufacturer = Kerbal Standard
    	description = A slower way of lugging a fuselage around would be using a Viewer's Cockpit and look around the scenery in such cockpit full of glass. There are no other cockpits of this size and smaller that could give you this much space and view at the same time.
    	bulkheadProfiles = size2
    	tags = aero aircraft cmg command control mil mi-8 ?eva fly gyro ?iva moment pilot plane react space stab steer torque helicopter
    	mass = 2.75
    	dragModelType = default
    	maximum_drag = 0.08
    	minimum_drag = 0.08
    	angularDrag = 1
    	crashTolerance = 40
    	maxTemp = 1100
    	skinMaxTemp = 2000
    	vesselType = Plane
    	CrewCapacity = 2
    		name = ElectricCharge
    		amount = 50
    		maxAmount = 50
    		name = ModuleCommand
    		minimumCrew = 1
    		name = ModuleReactionWheel
    		PitchTorque = 20
    		YawTorque = 20
    		RollTorque = 10
    			name = ElectricCharge
    			rate = 0.3
    		name = ModuleScienceExperiment
    		experimentID = crewReport
    		experimentActionName = Crew Report
    		resetActionName = Discard Crew Report
    		reviewActionName = Review Report
    		useStaging = False
    		useActionGroups = True
    		hideUIwhenUnavailable = True
    		rerunnable = True
    		xmitDataScalar = 1.0
    		usageReqMaskInternal = 5
    		usageReqMaskExternal = -1
    		name = ModuleScienceContainer
    		reviewActionName = Review Stored Data
    		storeActionName = Store Experiments
    		evaOnlyStorage = True
    		storageRange = 1.3
    		name = ModuleAnimateGeneric
    		animationName = hiplight
    		actionGUIName = Toggle Lights
    		startEventGUIName = Lights On
    		endEventGUIName = Lights Off
    		name = FlagDecal
    		textureQuadName = flagDecal
    		name = BDModuleVTOLAI
    		name = MissileFire
    		name = RadarWarningReceiver
    		omniDetection = true
    		name = ModuleWingCommander


    	name = iroquiscockpit
    	module = Part
    	author = Av8tor8a
    		model = AirplanePlus/Parts/Command/hueycockpit/model
    	rescaleFactor = 1
    	node_stack_bottom = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 2
    	attachRules = 1,0,1,1,0
    	CoMOffset = 0.0, 0.5, 0.0
    		name =  hueyInternal
    	TechRequired = aviation
    	entryCost = 2600
    	cost = 1900
    	category = Pods
    	subcategory = 0
    	title = Huey Viewer's Cockpit
    	manufacturer = Kerbal Standard
    	description = Fortunate Kerbals who get assigned to the MK3S1.5 Viewer's Cockpit which reaches up to two will be able to take advantage of the spacious interior and wide glass cockpit design with skylight. Very utilitarian design and despite the very open design, the structure is quite sturdy and withstood a lot of corrosion during its time buried on the depths of the ocean where it was found.
    	bulkheadProfiles = mk3s1p5
    	tags = aero aircraft bell cmg command control ?eva fly gyro ?iva moment pilot plane react space stab steer torque helicopter
    	mass = 1.5
    	dragModelType = default
    	maximum_drag = 0.08
    	minimum_drag = 0.08
    	angularDrag = 1
    	crashTolerance = 40
    	maxTemp = 1100
    	skinMaxTemp = 2000
    	vesselType = Plane
    	CrewCapacity = 2
    		name = ElectricCharge
    		amount = 50
    		maxAmount = 50
    		name = ModuleCommand
    		minimumCrew = 1
    		name = ModuleReactionWheel
    		PitchTorque = 15
    		YawTorque = 15
    		RollTorque = 15
    			name = ElectricCharge
    			rate = 0.3
    		name = ModuleScienceExperiment
    		experimentID = crewReport
    		experimentActionName = Crew Report
    		resetActionName = Discard Crew Report
    		reviewActionName = Review Report
    		useStaging = False
    		useActionGroups = True
    		hideUIwhenUnavailable = True
    		rerunnable = True
    		xmitDataScalar = 1.0
    		usageReqMaskInternal = 5
    		usageReqMaskExternal = -1
    		name = ModuleScienceContainer
    		reviewActionName = Review Stored Data
    		storeActionName = Store Experiments
    		evaOnlyStorage = True
    		storageRange = 1.3
    		name = ModuleAnimateGeneric
    		animationName = hueylights
    		actionGUIName = Toggle Lights
    		startEventGUIName = Lights On
    		endEventGUIName = Lights Off
    		name = FlagDecal
    		textureQuadName = flagDecal
    		name = BDModuleVTOLAI
    		name = MissileFire
    		name = RadarWarningReceiver
    		omniDetection = true
    		name = ModuleWingCommander


    	name = cayusecockpit
    	module = Part
    	author = Av8tor8a
    		model = AirplanePlus/Parts/Command/oh6cockpit/model
    	rescaleFactor = 1
    	node_stack_bottom = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0
    	attachRules = 1,0,1,1,0
    	CoMOffset = 0.0, 0.5, 0.0
    		name =  oh6Internal
    	TechRequired = aviation
    	entryCost = 2600
    	cost = 1100
    	category = Pods
    	subcategory = 0
    	title = Cayuse Viewer's Cockpit
    	manufacturer = Kerbal Standard
    	description = A later model of the Viewer's cockpit of the Mk1. The design was changed to accomodate a built in light in front of it. It's much sleeker and round in appearance so that the air understands that it shouldn't mess with it.
    	bulkheadProfiles = size1
    	tags = aero aircraft cmg command control little bird ?eva fly gyro ?iva moment pilot plane react space stab steer torque helicopter
    	mass = 0.9
    	dragModelType = default
    	maximum_drag = 0.08
    	minimum_drag = 0.08
    	angularDrag = 1
    	crashTolerance = 40
    	maxTemp = 1100
    	skinMaxTemp = 2000
    	vesselType = Plane
    	CrewCapacity = 2
    		name = ElectricCharge
    		amount = 50
    		maxAmount = 50
    		name = ModuleCommand
    		minimumCrew = 1
    		name = ModuleReactionWheel
    		PitchTorque = 10
    		YawTorque = 10
    		RollTorque = 10
    			name = ElectricCharge
    			rate = 0.3
    		name = ModuleScienceExperiment
    		experimentID = crewReport
    		experimentActionName = Crew Report
    		resetActionName = Discard Crew Report
    		reviewActionName = Review Report
    		useStaging = False
    		useActionGroups = True
    		hideUIwhenUnavailable = True
    		rerunnable = True
    		xmitDataScalar = 1.0
    		usageReqMaskInternal = 5
    		usageReqMaskExternal = -1
    		name = ModuleScienceContainer
    		reviewActionName = Review Stored Data
    		storeActionName = Store Experiments
    		evaOnlyStorage = True
    		storageRange = 1.3
    		name = ModuleAnimateGeneric
    		animationName = oh6light
    		actionGUIName = Toggle Lights
    		startEventGUIName = Lights On
    		endEventGUIName = Lights Off
    		name = FlagDecal
    		textureQuadName = flagDecal
    		name = BDModuleVTOLAI
    		name = MissileFire
    		name = RadarWarningReceiver
    		omniDetection = true
    		name = ModuleWingCommander


  2. On 7/25/2024 at 3:57 PM, Citizen247 said:

    Not to my knowledge. I had a brief look at it expecting it to be relatively easy because it uses stock textures but it wasn't that simple from what I remember.

    Bummer. Hopefully someone does make a patch.

    In any case, are more parts planned? Personally, I'd love seeing inline 0.9375 parts, such as an engine and intake. A spine crew cabin would also be quite nice, like the rear observer area featured on Fairey Fulmar/Firefly aircraft.

    Aircraft Details | Canadian Warplane Heritage Museum

  3. On 8/8/2024 at 5:07 PM, SuicidalInsanity said:

    ERA in BDA is underdeveloped, yes. The .5x1m ERA brick part in BDA is mostly there as a techdemo demonstrator part. As to why it can't be scaled like the proc armor panels is mainly due to how ERA is configured and setup, model wise - it's comprised of multiple sub segment meshes which means you can't just scale the model (unless you want massive ERA segments).

    Ah, that makes sense.

  4. On 7/16/2024 at 2:57 PM, DocNappers said:

    The surface AI set to submarine type will try to adjust its altitude to an appropriate depth for combat (surfacing or returning to "Combat Alt." as needed). It does this by adjusting pitch, though, not by adjusting ballast.

    I'm assuming a strong engine is more/less required in that case, pitch alone won't do it. MOAR BOOSTERS it is, then.

    Last question for a while, but is there any particular reason why the reactive armor isn't adjustable? I'm trying to build a modernized Ratte now, I'm not about to spend an hour placing countless ERA segments.

  5. Recolored parts using "Stock White"  seem a little blue on launch. Some mods (e.g. Procedural Wings), when used with this mod, use the quote-unquote stock white texture, so using "Squad" instead of "Bob Ross Paints" for these parts doesn't seem to do anything. What RGB values could be used to provide a more accurate color scheme?

  6. 2 minutes ago, ColdJ said:

    Had no plans to. This was just to help those who liked to make their carriers out of stock parts, so they could lower their parts count. Usually people would make the islands out of fuselage and Mk2 Lander Cans.

    Their are a few carrier mods already out there, and I should have a Nimitz style carrier out in the next months. But if you want an Island in one piece without having to build it you should download the mod Carrier Vessel Expansion, as the Island is a separate piece in that mod, that you could add to your deck.

    https://spacedock.info/mod/954/Carrier Vessel eXpansion (CVX)

    Ah, makes sense.

  7. I cannot seem to find any of the hulls aside from the bow portion. I thought it was a variant thing but I don't see anything there either. is there something I'm missing?

    Also, are bridge/superstructure parts or even other types of keels/hulls (tumblehome, trimaran, catamaran, etcetera) planned?

  8. I just saw a neat little mod with a single part for a Jeep, the mod in question being RoveMate Classic. I do worry that the mod is dead, however, so I was wondering if it would be possible for someone to create a mod similar to it, but with more features, namely a convertible roof, a folding windshield, and trailer parts.

  9. I do have some more ideas for anyone wanting to create such a mod.

    I was thinking of trimaran, catamaran, flare, and tumblehome vessel parts. Preferably, these parts should be scalable as there really isn't a requirement for size in contrast to the LHA and LCU parts previously mentioned. I'm not talking about Tweakscale support, (though that is a valid alternative) but an actual scaling system for these parts imbedded into the code that does not need Tweakscale as a dependency. I wouldn't be mad if there wasn't such a thing in such a mod, but it would be nice.

    Lastly, I had my mind on dinghy parts, and similarly to the LHA and LCU parts, these would need to be limited in size. I was thinking, if dinghy parts were ever in a mod like this, that the hull would have enough room for at least five Kerbals and a protective windshield. Unlike any of the previously mentioned parts, however, there wouldn't need to be a dedicated, enclosed part to act as a bridge or island.

  10. 3 hours ago, DocNappers said:

    BDA+ isn't a parts mod. It only has a few parts designed to show off what functionality is supported. So, variations on the open cockpit would be more appropriate in other mods such as "Moderately Plane Related" or "BDArmory Extended" (though the latter is more focussed on weapons).


    I believe that would be the case if you're talking about it as a separate part. I was thinking of a legitimate variant similar to what is available to the AWACS radar. I imagine someone would need to get approval to incorporate a variant of a part not present in their mod, but I could be mistaken.

    4 hours ago, DocNappers said:

    The "weapon alignment indicator" (which I presume is what you're referring to) is toggled with F2 in the SPH. The other toggle BDA+ provides in the SPH is a CASE ammo explosion visualiser, which is toggled with F3.

    Thank you. But why wouldn't it appear on the Oerlikon?

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