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Everything posted by Schniw

  1. Oh no! gutted! If you still have the instances in a separate folder you can try copy them across. I did some further testing and found I could copy all of my instances across to the new KK install crash-free, except the "KK_2500m_runway-instances" which for some reason then caused the issue to occur. I created another KK Group to test whether the runway static would cause this issue and found no issues with making this a launch site; and playing around with orientation/scaling. So overall the tests worked fine. So Beck AFB is back excluding the runway which I can spawn in again. If the issue crops up again I will update the thread.
  2. Did you find an answer to this in the end? I have the same issue with KK and note I first got the error once I started setting roles to the buildings (Hangar, Merchant, Business. Research Set Launchsite etc). Will play around and workout whether this was the cause. RIP Beck AFB - A central port to the Joolian Deuterium harvest industry
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